$100 for 4-songs Mastered, any takers?! see my attempt hurr


Nov 17, 2008
i don't want 30something of you to work on this just to have me end up only choosing/paying one, so if you wanna offer up your services just show me some of your past work (mix vs. master, etc.) and i'll pick someone from there. or, if someone who's work i'm already familiar with offers (which is most of you on here) that i think would be good, i'll just nab you right away. preferably the latter. it's 4 songs, slow n' low moshy metal. i'm also 100% open to mutual mix tinkering.

this is my attempt at getting it good to go, it's kinda loud but clearly too squashed and pumpy as all fuck, little muddy too.


oh yeah, and we're tracking vocals on sunday. final mixes could be prepared during the small gap of sobriety between then and new years eve.

i'll post the mix with nothing on the 2bus when i get home from work, for a better idea of what the raw mix sounds like without my abomination attempt at loudness.
well it wouldnt hurt to give wee little me a go at it =p

like i said, post up some before/afters of past work!!

but just so anyone else i don't know very well is clear, i'll know in a second (and so will everyone else) if you're just slapping it with an ozone preset.

so don't even think about it :heh:

but yea, i'm really just hoping someone who's work i know and love will pop up. so i'ma gonna let this one soak for a day or so.
Why someone has to ask 30$ if the client wanna pay someone 100$? It's sick! :D
It's a chinese mentality.... we will see soon someone offering money to the client to do some job
Dare I say... this is on par or more than some of the newest work from a lot of the pros...need to hear the vocals on it first before saying anything more! AND you didnt use an HD system! This is such a great example of how knowing what the hell you are doing has more bearing on the result than the gear! Nicely done! I will definitely keep you in mind for future reference!

Guitar playing could be tighter.....my only thought...

Would you mind if I put some vox on it for my own entertainment? Im feelin some creative influence from the melodic parts!
Guitar playing could be tighter.....my only thought...

you should've heard it before i carefully hand-edited every single transient on the DI's :erk:

thanks for the kind words kyle, and i have no qualms with you laying down vox.. go nuts... haha! but yea, i'm sure anyone who knows a thing about mastering knows that my shot at it was ... quick and dirty, at best. haha.
hrmm. my master passed the car test pretty well. anyone really think the pumping is unbearably bad?

the chain if anyone's interested was:

SSL bus comp, bypassed, being A/Bed with api2500. Both just dickin around with the "master" presets, playing with release/threshold trying to minimize pumping and maximize beef. ended up with the API on this one. then L2 shaving off only 3 or 4 db, and a little gclip on the end.

EDIT: oh, and C4, i a/bed with emmure and tinkered C4 a bit to try to match the spread of the "beef" and think it really made a good difference, i essentially scooped a TIIIIINY bit of lowmids and add a TIIINY bit of highmids. I love the character a multi-band adds... it doesn't really add or boost, just smooths. good stuff. this is the first time i really tinkered alot with a multi-band. it might become a crutch.
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