Looking for a mix for a demo (4-5) songs for $$$


New Metal Member
Nov 27, 2007
Hi guys, we're a band from Belarus (one of the former USSR republic, bordering with Poland) and we need someone to mix our demo songs (4-5) for 100$-150$

We recorded demos ourselves, using just an Alesis MultiMix 16 Firewire "interface" and a bunch of good ol' sm57s, beta 52 (kick), oktava XXX (don't remember exactly) for OH's.
There were no preamps, everything went straight into Alesis interface. I wish I could have something for the vocals, but it's just SM 7B into Alesis (again) (though gonna really buy Golden Age Pre 73 for the job next time).

This is our first experience at recording and mixing ever )) so don't judge us too harshly ))...Just read bunch of articles here and there, been on these forums and used our ears. Given the equipment and our first ever attempt we kinda like the results, it sounds more or less raw and alive in our opinion, which is good (I, for one, absolutely dislike most of the latest production trends with super tight everything, polished guitars, synthetic drums etc - most of the bands just sound the same, imho. The best produced thrash album to me is Rust In Peace, I especially love drums there - the tone I dream of in our songs))))

We like the guitars (bogner ubershall double tracked), bass (ampeg DI + some 57 and 52), drums have very problematic toms (all samples, but we lack experience to "tame" them), but kick (sample + live) sounds cool for us.

Anyway, thing is that the song below is our first mix (all the other are awaiting their turn) and if someone is willing to master our demos for the price stated in the beginning, you can probably use it and send me your mastered version (so we can decide) and then when we choose someone out of the guys who'd be willing to do that - we pay him for the full demos mix.

We didn't mix all the rest yet, so if there are any good suggestions for the mix or obvious mistakes we have made - we can fix them in this mix and then apply to rest of the songs.

Hope I expressed myself clear :))
Not sure if I need to supply mp3 or wav for the best results, but here's the mp3 version (320 kbps):


And here's the archived WAV for all interested:


P.S. This song is in russian, out of 5 - 3 in English and 2 in Russian ))
No, we need only mastering, gonna mix the rest ourselves. The budget is for all 5 songs (sorry, we're not very rich )))
I might give it a try for the fun of it, could you please upload the mix without the limiter.

Sure, I have Oxford Inflator Native followed by the Oxford Limiter. Shall I turn them off both? And then bring the mixer's Out fader to max?
What is the right way to have it in the mix to pass for the mastering?
Let the master fader to 0db. A mix is not a master so it doesn't have to be as loud as a final product.

btw, PM sent!
Here, give this a go. Any thoughts?
I'd love to do the mastering for you folks. I have a thing for Russian lyrics.


No worries about the Soundcloud; it's a private link.

Hi, thanks for the efforts, but it sounds kinda weird: I hear lots of additional reverb to the whole mix which I don't really like and the guitars seem to be louder burying the drums in the mix. Also, they seem now not to be panned 100% L/R and sound very weird.
No offense intended or anything man but if you're only paying $150 max for mastering 5 songs you're gonna get a $150 sounding master because no one who could take your mix to the next level with a great master is gonna do it for that little

I understand your financial situation and all, just saying don't get your hopes or expectations up too high.

again, no offense intended
No offense intended or anything man but if you're only paying $150 max for mastering 5 songs you're gonna get a $150 sounding master because no one who could take your mix to the next level with a great master is gonna do it for that little

I understand your financial situation and all, just saying don't get your hopes or expectations up too high.

again, no offense intended

No offense taken, man. I understand everything, but we just assumed that it's a fair price for making a final demo out of what we have recorded. There is no point in paying 1000$ (or whatever suitable sum) for these songs to master because we recorded them with a shitty equipment (of course, bogner ubershall and ampeg amps are perfect, and a bunch of 57s are a standard too, but the Alesis itself is weak and we had no preamps at all,except the ones in Alesis). But it sounds OK to us given the recording equipment and the fact that this is our first experience in recording ever, so we need to add just a final polishing, so to speak.

So we don't expect "Sneaps" or "Richardsons" to be doing the job, but some (in any way more experienced then us) guys here on the boards to do it (also "perfecting" their craft and getting payed at least something).
though, I'd love Ermz to do the master (or other well known gurus on these boards), but I understand the budget is too low for them..
Hi, thanks for the efforts, but it sounds kinda weird: I hear lots of additional reverb to the whole mix which I don't really like and the guitars seem to be louder burying the drums in the mix. Also, they seem now not to be panned 100% L/R and sound very weird.

I haven't added any additional reverb. Lemme give it another go.
But for the record, the drums are kind of low in the mix to begin with, especially the snare.

Here's my quick $20 master.

critique of the mix:
Mix isn't terrible. Drums a little low compared to the bass except the cymbals which have some programming problems. The mix has very harsh highs because of the cymbals. Vocals could have been 1dB higher, not that I'd understand the lyrics anyway. There are some editing and programming problems.
Here's my quick $20 master.

critique of the mix:
Mix isn't terrible. Drums a little low compared to the bass except the cymbals which have some programming problems. The mix has very harsh highs because of the cymbals. Vocals could have been 1dB higher, not that I'd understand the lyrics anyway. There are some editing and programming problems.

Hi, thanks for your take. Sounds nice.
We'll bring up drums a bit louder. And the vocals. Didn't quite get what you mean about "programming problems". The drums were recorded live, there is nothing programmed there. Kick is a blend of live and a sample, snare is 100% sample, toms as well. OH's are live. One big mistake we did during recording process is that we didn't edit the drums before recording all the rest. So the drum editing occurred after everything had been recorded...Well, can't do anything about that now, but definitely a rule for the next record sessions.