
Jun 8, 2002
Although you may deny it, the majority of you have bad lives. Not only is it a bad life, but we delude ourselves into thinking that it is a great life. Your life begins with a period where you have not quite achieved coherent thought, then there is a 13 year period of learning things that serve very little purpose, even in society, and then you work for the next 45+ years, just for a chance to do nothing for 10-15 years where you are too mentally and physically decrepid to enjoy life. It may seem that I am just "whining" and that I have no right to complain because I live in the suburbs. Living in the suburbs and being poor are pretty much the same thing. You are still working your entire life. Being middle-class just means you have some more money, and believing that having some money means you have a good life and should be happy is an extremely materialistic outlook. I'd say about the only people who have good lives are those who have the chance to do something they really really love their whole life, like musicians. And only certain musicians can survive doing what they love.

The realization that your life sucks and there is nothing you can do about it (there is no way to escape society) is a very depressing thought, so we comfort ourselves by deluding ourselves into being happy and content with little things (usually objects) while stubbornly ignoring the huge problems in our world. Problems created by a flawed society, run by governments who are so deceitful that they sell us our own money to us (i can explain how if you want).

I do not see a way (yet) to live without some form of society (even animals have society) however, we do not need governments. You are most likely averse to the idea of anarchy, because you believe that you won't have any "freedoms" without a government. Actually this is true. A freedom to do something can only exist when there are laws limiting what we can do. We also fool ourselves into appreciating what our government has not forbidden us to do (freedoms). How do I suggest we live? As tiny communities, no more than 4 or 5 families large. It would have to be small enough that a need for leadership would never arise. There would still be society or culture (language, etc.) but that is necessary for survival.

Note: Post edited for foolishness (the rest will probably follow soon).
However, since I need about 500 more posts to reach a thousand, I can post freely.

I agree with the fact that most people have totally shitty lives and work conditions play a major role. Humans were never really meant to sit in a cubicle 8 hours a day, for 40 years trying desperately to make enough money to feed their families or just trying to make money as fast as they can just to get a new Mercedes or something.

I am currently in college but I don't really intend to work when I get out. I have no desire whatsoever to do so... I might just resort to a life of crime. Live at the expense of others.

The realization that your life sucks and there is nothing you can do about it (there is no way to escape society)

There is a way to escape society in some degree... Take for example Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. He kinda managed to get away from everyone else and live by himself doing things that he enjoyed (writing books etc.) and hating society back (killing people etc.). Of course he was kind of a nutcase, but still it's possible to live separated from society, however you probably wouldn't stay sane for long, since humans are social beings.

Suicide has to be the most extreme option available to you. I've thought about starting to set myself apart from people I love so that it's easier for me to off myself when I deem it necessary. Realizing our true nature and the fact that I'm just flesh and bone controlled by hormones and electricity helps too, although it'd be a lot easier if I believed in some sort of afterlife -now it's just hard to do it. I'll keep working on it.

I do not see a way (yet) to live without some form of society (even animals have society) however, we do not need governments. You are most likely averse to the idea of anarchy, because you believe that you won't have any "freedoms" without a government.

Right on, libertarian communism, anarchy... In an anarchistic society people will have to work together to achieve common goals, no competition will exist, everybody will be feeling groovy, going around hugging rainbows and shit. However the big problem is getting there. A revolution is necessary, followed by a strong, centralized government (to enforce order until people can learn how to govern themselves), which will eventually disappear, leaving people in control of themselves.
However, it is certain that some people simply will not be able to adjust to these changes, so there's a big dilemma coming up. While the government still exists and is still strong, these individuals could very well be executed, to ensure a better future for everybody else, but of course this is morally wrong and not even the people who would be better off without the troublesome individuals would agree to that.
So basically, anarchy can't really exist due to human nature, shaped from centuries of greed and competition.

Well that's about it for now, I don't feel reading through all that a second time, I couldn't care less if something doesn't make sense.
"Humans were never really meant to sit in a cubicle 8 hours a day, for 40 years trying desperately to make enough money to feed their families or just trying to make money as fast as they can just to get a new Mercedes or something. "

We are not meant to but we still do. And what's even worse is most people know it sucks, and no one likes it, but anyone who tries anything different is "lazy" (criminals). Not just the government, but society, has mentally condition the population to the point where we will accept anything. We'll sit in tiny boxes just so we can eat, and be happy that we can too. You can say that people are sheep, but I don't think that is true. People are much better trained. Look at 9/11. It doesn't matter who actually blew it up (that's another arguement), but our government has still taken advantage of it. That event made america into a nation of mindless blind patriotic zombies. The government claps and we all jump up for them. 'Who cares who really did it? I'll just hate the people the government tells me to, ignore all other possibilities, and go back to being happy with my new TV.' Humans rationalize everything that happens to them, and ostracize anyone who won't submit. Humans are also becoming quite weak. We've stopped evolving as individuals, and thus we cannot survive (at least well) by ourselves. The individual has stopped evolving, but the population as a whole has continued to, actually at increasingly fast speeds. However, as the whole evolves, the individual becomes obsolete.

"but still it's possible to live separated from society"

To truly seperate yourself from this society, you couldn't believe anything that this society did, wouldn't speak the language, wouldn't wear the same clothes, etc. I meant society more in a cultural sense than a governmental sense. You may be able to avoid interaction with other people, but our culture has completely saturated the earth.

"Suicide has to be the most extreme option available to you."

I figure I want to fuck with society in a big way before I leave this dreamworld (i'll explain later). I havn't figured out how yet, but I see it as I'm here to do whatever I want, and I don't wanna leave until I can actually do that.

"Realizing our true nature and the fact that I'm just flesh and bone controlled by hormones and electricity helps too, although it'd be a lot easier if I believed in some sort of afterlife"

Back to what I said earlier, I dont think that your statement is true at all. There are an infinite number of possibilities besides everything we see being real. "this dreamworld" is referring to one of these possibilities, that this life is just a sort of dream for me, and that I created everything on Earth with my imagination. I am not really afraid of death, because I see there being very little chance that all that can happen is that I will stop existing (although yes, it is a possibility). I'm kind of hoping that I'll go on to explore another existence when I'm done with this one.

"Right on, libertarian communism, anarchy..."

I think the only way this could actually work is if communities were small enough and seperate from each other enough that there would never be a need for leadership. However, I doubt that even this would last very long. Eventually communities would become larger in size, towns and cities would be formed, and with those government. The only reason why I would even want more than 1 family in the same place is to prevent inbreeding.

"it is certain that some people simply will not be able to adjust to these changes"

I think it would be near impossible to execute this utopian idea, I doubt it will ever become more than a pleasent thought. To carry it out someone would have to seize control of the entire world at once, someone who would have to be able to stay true to their goal even with power over the entire world. If someone did accomplish this and didn't corrupt, government could be gradually corroded down to an acceptable state. It would have to be the whole world at once too, because if one country decided to abandon organization they would soon be taken over, and made into one large corrupt country. And again, for reasons that you and I have said, if it was possible, it would not last.
I agree with you, but do you really think that by the way we are living now, we can just throw out government and live in tiny communities? Government needs to be there in large communities, and large communities are what we have. And they shall not shrink, they're only going to continue to grow. And even in B.C. times, when there were small communities, the people still fought. Government just needs to be there to keep people in line. If we had true freedom, which would be living without government or any form of control there would be even more choas than there is now, mainly because of technology. Because of technology, we can't live in small communities.
i think there shouldnt be any type or form of government because it limits people with rules and borders on lands. and any kind of limitation is not freedom. and if we are not here in this life to be free, then f**k life. and i dont want to f**k life i want to live it. and that is exactly what i plan to do. i plan to be able to walk wherever i want, whenever i want without paying a toll or getting snatched by border police. this society that we live in now is a machine we created and no longer have control over. we are all still human inside, somewhere...most of us... so i think we all have it in us to realize that we were born into slavery, and act upon it. i think we are all brainwashed, even myself, and it really takes realizing our potential, which is far beyond what we have been molded to be, to truly break free from society and flourish without limits or labels, live for ourselves, and for the day, truly reach what we claim to be in pursuit of, hapiness. all of this is very possible, and the reason people think it is not, is because peoples thoughts are tied to a chain and can only go so far. people are not willing to sacrifice and are afraid to live wiouth their possesions and american dreams they have grown dependent on since the day they were born. we are born to make this system work, and the system treats those who give in to it, very generously, and those who dont, are left in lower class and perceived as "less". i think we can do this, and it is a subject i belive anybody with a heart for themselves, anybody with a dream, or a talent should strongly consider. i hope i eventually plan my way out of these chains, and travel freely finding alternative ways to survive without the shackles of the system upon my ankles. i think those who feel the same should join and discuss the posibilities. even if we cannot save the world from this machine, i think we can find ways to save ourselves, even if takes living on the streets, or starvation, i rather die a free man, than live as a miserable slave.
this thread makes me want to x out the UM board, deflower virgins, and proceed to sleep happily
.....but i can't do that so ill jsut press back and read the other posts cause this one is gay

existentialists SHUT!!! UP!!!!


You're just like christians.
It takes thought to do things.
Let the thinkers think, someimtes the end result benefits you who live WITHOUT thinking first.
:lol: I remember posting that now. :lol: I'm sure I would be able to make a post much less inane grammatically now, but I still stand behind its basic statement. Also, I miss TrueBeliever.