101 rules of prog part 2


New Metal Member
Sep 24, 2004
yeah i saw that stuff on a drummer forum not too long ago. www.drumsmith.com.

its a forum where we talk mostly about drum gear and drumming related things. there was this guy that posted that thread. the 101 rules of prog. they were laughing at prog music and technical music in general. i answered back at them and as always very politely i told them the truth. it is their own lack of abilities that make them laugh at technical music.

chuck schuldiner said it in the song mentally blind.

(from the mentally blind come ideas that are poison,take away the power,a shallow person you will find.
what would you do without your pathetic narrow-minded approach to life that reflects your lack of abilities)

i have been playing drums for 14 years and a lot of people tried to embark me on commercial music. they wanted to have their songs playing on the radio and all that trendy stuff. i told them that i am a drummer, but a musician first and that my priority is not success but my growth. i want to gain the most knowledge and play challenging music.

my musical evolution led me to spastic ink and particularly the drumming of bobby jarzombek. clearly the most advanced player i have ever heard.

even a freakin computer powered drum machine cannot duplicate what he does on a drumset cause nobody is smart enough or talented enough in real life to program it to duplicate bobby.
i think that you made a good point about bobby cause they're always comparing him to a 'computer' or a 'machine' and it really annoys me. It wouldn't sound even 1% similar to what bobby plays even if you would program a drum machine to play exactly the same sounds...
People sometimes don't understand that prog music isn't just about being difficult. I mean that when I listen to Spastic Ink I do not just admire the skills or complexity but I simply enjoy the music. it's very difficult and complex music - but that's what makes it enjoyable for me. It is one of a few musical genres that requires thinking and analyzing what you hear and not just passive listening. But most people are not enough open minded to understand that. Generally people don't like to think...
On the other hand i think that a bit of distance to what you're doing is always needed. Once I found smth like 101 rules of prog metal on this forum and it was quite funny... :grin:
calling bobby a machine is not far from the truth altough. because bobby is so accurate,steady and solid in his playing. just like a metronome. it is very rare in this type of music. i have seen rush many time in concert and neil has not a very solid time. mike portnoy its the same thing. the only thing a machine does not have is feel and thats where the human part come trough in the music.feel,precision,technique and speed. is the basis of any aspiring virtuoso musician. thats what my teacher told me and they are listed in order of importance.
I just went to drumsmith site, didn't see any of the prog rules. I wanted to give em my 2 cents worth, but I will have to save it for another time. Its cool to see another Bobby J fan, he's been a great inspiration to me, I was transcribing his drum parts like crazy a couple of years ago. There is a new dose of inspiration since Ink Compatible, I really need to start figuring out the drums on the new CD.
the drumsmith forum is very cool tough! i love drum gear and talking about drum related stuff. i think people are affraid of what they don't know sometimes and they start saying things without thinking. me the only thing i want to do is to promote prog music and technical music in general. i got thousands of musical influences and even tough i am a drummer my greatest influence is johann sebastian bach.

he was the greatest musical genius that ever lived. and is the father of all musicians. he has influenced all the greatest musical genius including beethoven.mozart,chopin,listz,schubert, and his music is immortal. he was a chopmeister and could play 3 songs at the same time. he created the musical polyphony. discovered stereophony, had deep knowledge of accoustics in rooms that are still used today, the well tempered clavier is still today the benchmark for any keyboard players and any keyboard instrument.

he was responsible for the development and advances in the way keyboard instruments are played with fingers techniques that are still the reference today.was the inventor of many musical instruments and is responsible for the pianoforte. build his first pipe organ at 18 years old! was a virtuoso of every musical instrument available at the time in europe.

is the most prolific composer ever. it would take three man lives to go trough everything he has composed. was the first to use numbers in his musical composition . this stuff is so advanced i can't even explain it. was the humblest of men. he had 20 childrens.

he was an incredible musical teacher and spend a great amount of his time teaching the youth. a lot of rich people tried to have him as composer but he always turned down their offer. he was not for the money. music was his priority. died in absolute poverty. the only thing he left us his is incredible music that will never die.

best exemple of a bach composition on the pipe organ is toccata and fugue in d minor bwv 565. i always listen to it the volume way up.

the difference between bach and every other musician is that when i listen to his music i feel there may be something much greater than the universe itself. that maybe there is a god. bach music is the incarnation of absolute grandeur. it reach the highest place and the highest conscience.