10th anniversary

they are just a product of a fucked up society, being rejected by the society creates loath, desperation, and such kids !!! and the media has a lot to do with that, movies, video games grow the aggressiveness on you, so you become vulgar and explode it whenever you feel it's the right time to do so. Plus, their parents are responsible for that, they should be close to their kids and understand them so such things won't happen. It's exactly the same case as those who tried to suicide in 1985 "over Judas Priest music", then they blame others for their own deeds !!!!
It's too sad !
they are just a product of a fucked up society, being rejected by the society creates loath, desperation, and such kids !!! and the media has a lot to do with that, movies, video games grow the aggressiveness on you, so you become vulgar and explode it whenever you feel it's the right time to do so. Plus, their parents are responsible for that, they should be close to their kids and understand them so such things won't happen.

I mostly agree though one could go endlessly into depth about it, many aspects, mental instability another one, but no doubt all these modern influences of panzy temper tantrums are the trigger. In my era of youth, most parents had their kids set straight on tantrums at an early age. Though its highly debatable that the premeditated rampage that day was as simple as a kneejerk tantrum. Much of society is very immature today, regardless the age or country of origion
I mostly agree though one could go endlessly into depth about it, many aspects, mental instability another one, but no doubt all these modern influences of panzy temper tantrums are the trigger. In my era of youth, most parents had their kids set straight on tantrums at an early age. Though its highly debatable that the premeditated rampage that day was as simple as a kneejerk tantrum. Much of society is very immature today, regardless the age or country of origion

I agree in part about the tantrum/parental aspect of things. A lot of parents these days care very little for raising their children properly, because it takes effort, consistency, and time. I broke up with my last GF for that very reason. My parents threatened and used on occasion a leather belt, wooden spoons and fly swatters to keep my siblings and I in line. And for the life of me I can only remember a couple rare instances when these methods were actually applied, and that was because they were there, we knew about them, and knew that we didnt want to be punished that way, thusly we never acted out to a point where those means were required. No I don't think its ok to BEAT your kids, but pain is a universal deterrent, and children are not developed enough to comprehend good and bad, why you should share, why you can't get everything you want etc etc. I mentally thank my parents every day for enforcing things the way they did, because i've turned out not to be a chauvinistic, uneducated, slack-jawed 'OG' that is being glamourized these days. Today parents are a lot less motivated in many cases, and the growing promiscuity of people which ends up as babies having babies doesn't help this either. And the other facet of parenting is so called social workers butting their noses into every case of spanking they come across. It does nothing for raising our children right.

However, where I separate myself from the tantrum deal is when it comes to shooting up a school etc. I hardly think it can be called a 'kneejerk tantrum' as, as you said it was premeditated. I can say for myself, its this goddamn BS MTV (mass media) culture where sex, money and 'HO's' are glorified as the only things worthy in life. Honestly yes I do blame a vast majority of it on pop culture, and n word culture. Now before I am jumped all over for using that term, I would hope people understand my usage of that term, as completely separate from race, look at the n word in the dictionary in its original context, not the slaving context. I'm not sure what other term to use for it. For myself, it is precisely this deterioration in acceptable social standards that makes me 'want' to go and kill a whole slew of people. The fact that money doesnt really exist yet controls the world, how people glorify and worship it, how getting pussy or satisfying a dick is made out to be the only thing to aspire to in life, or the boyband/diva image of pseudo aristocracy mixed with abhorrent self standards (childrens role models being drug addicts making songs about refusing to go to rehab, or their 15 year old sisters having babies and it being televised every fucking day). Do I believe in 'to each his own'? Yes. Do I believe that 'his own' has a right to expose and force my community into the same 'his own?' No. Do I believe that people have a right to use sex to sell things? No. Do I believe that people should have the freedom to dress and act in a completely unbecoming and depraved (imho) way, and then lash out at those who react to those behaviours (women dressing and acting like whores, and men dressing and acting like big tough gangstas)? Hell no. Call me fundamentalist or fascist if you will but I believe there is a line and it keeps being eroded away, as Ive said here many times before. Freedom is our salvation yet it is also our destruction. If we had freedom without warning labels and laws to 'protect one from ones-self' then maybe we would be onto something. Throw these rejects to darwinism I say. But we have these freedoms, and then laws to protect people from having to either A) take responsibility for themselves and the way they apply their freedoms or B)laws to punish others for reacting to the ways people act and carry out their freedoms. It makes no sense. Wheres that Evolution video by KoRn when you need it. Low IQ families breed more than High IQ families, the flynn effect in full swing. Wheres the line between freedom and survival/evolution?

Tying back to the original topic, the aforementioned points are in no small part why things like columbine happen. Everyone wants to point the finger at other individuals, when they should point the finger at their own self as a collective for the idiocracy that is spreading like wildfire.