12 days


Oct 3, 2002
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'til the Saxon show in Nehren/Germany friday july 2nd...

Damn, really look forward to seeing our guys again after almost 6 1/2 months without a Saxon show...this old fart of mine really still gets excited even after so many shows I attended in the past...

Will they play new songs from the upcoming "Lionheart"? What's the new drummer like?...

Will post a review the day after the show...



Next stops :Alice Cooper/Brides of destruction tomorrow and Queensryche thursday...
I just came back from the graspop festival. I saw Saxon yesterday and it was fucking great:worship:
Karsten, I probably dissapoint you by saying this, but they didnt play any new songs.
Plus, Fritz was still the drummer. :)
They werent the headlining band and had to play at 16:30 pm, I can tell you Biff didnt really like that :p
It was still a fantastic gig though, the crowd was really going wild, cheering all the time, there was this one moment Biff was standing there with his mouth wide open cos he couldnt believe it:grin:
heavy metal thunder
dogs of war
cut out the disease
motorcycle man
denim and leather
20000 ft
wheels of steel
princess of the night
and the bands played on

Cant wait to see them again in october :rock:
It's nice to see that Fritz is obviously leaving to develop his career, rather than leaving because he fell out with other band members.
Nice setlist (if a little too short!).
What happened to the stuff off 'Metal Head' and 'Unleash the Beast'?
Hi Paxoman,

I'm fine, thank you...Pretty much as always: Too much work and too little (and rarely!) sex on my end....but apart from this everything is cool...

Well, since they are supposed to be in the headling slot for the Nehren Motorcycle Club Festival they play late in the evening... this should be much more to Biffs pleasure...

Just found out that they play friday evening, always was under the impression that they'd play saturday...looks like I have to take half a day off now, hope everything goes as scheduled for me...

Maybe they'll throw in some new songs when they do an entire headlining show compared to the short festival setlist...I'd be the first to hear the new tunes, what a cool thought!!! We'll (or better I'll) see..

Best from sunny Munich, Germany

Well, I wouldn't be disappointed to see Fritz on the drums again...as long as the drummer is german, I don't care too much if it's Fritz or Jörg..:-)
Well, stilll unclear whether or not I'm able to go.Have a meeting at 4.30 in the afternoon which is "open end"..and it's still somewhat of a 3 hour drive to the show.It's also raining here in Germany....Damn, totally got it wrong from the very start the date was, would have sweared for the show to take place on a saturday.If I only checked the calendar for that I would have taken this day off months ago..

We'll see....
Sorry about the empty reply, the website was playing up!

Nilion - Well I hope you've been studying hard whilst you've been away?!!

Karsten - Just get up from your meeting and say "Sorry lads, but I'm off to go and se Saxon". I'm sure that will go down well! :lol:
Damn...didn't come out any earlier than 7.45 pm, no chance to leave the stage any earlier.Since the show was some three hour drive away I had no chance at all to see the gig...major bummer, especially since the waether changed from rain to shine late in the afternoon..

Anyone else with a report from last nights show or from the two festival dates today?



If you cry here, what am I supposed to do?? Especially since the World Tour up to now EXCLUDES any bavarian dates so far!!!!!! :-)
wow karsten, I really hope you can make it to an other gig!

Pax: yeah, I've been very busy with studying. I had to make al those theses and had to prepare my exams (and as I'm studying languages, I also had a lot of oral exams), which are finally over now! Up to my last year and after that college.
Yeahm the show in Stuttgart/Filderstadt and Pratteln aren't too far away....and there's supposed to be another batch of dates on part II of the World Tour-They cannot do a tour without a show in Nuremberg, no other city offered more support to Saxon over the years...