12 yr. old sued

ThraxDude said:
I still don't understand why the RIAA never had the S.W.A.T. team come and take my dual-cassette dubbing stereo back in 1988........?

Anyhooo....it's time for us to do something anti-RIAA..... any suggestions?
Maybe I'll start buying used CDs, burning copies of them, and then getting a full refund.
How's that sound?

against RIAA???you just pissed off Mrs Ulrich and little boy Bush!!!
why don;t bands just say 'fuck it' to their record companies (who we all know rip them off) and just do it all through their official websites. that way you could get the songs a lot cheaper and the band would get all the money.
shit- then you wouldn't get the cool packaging and artwork...sorry i'm taking nonsense...

but maybe in theory it could work???

i think people DL because they 'can' not becuase they don't have the money. like charlie said, if they bought a CD burner and PC how come they can't afford to buy CDs...?

but still- CDs should be cheaper in the first place then people may not DL so much...
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I used to make mixed tapes off the radio. Am I going to hell??? :erk:
Now mix tapes that brings back memories and sounds a lot better than hell too. I used to make some when I didn't feel like listening to the radio. Hey if a bunch of go to hell we'll bombard the Devil with Anthrax. :yell: Oh wait a minute I'm the Devil and the Devil lives in California. \nn/
I have seen these burn-proof cd's when I was in Canada yesterday. The package is clearly labeled.


Sgt-D said:
On cnn.com, they have a story out about rip-proof CDs that will be slowly integrated into the stores soon. I'm not sure how well it'll work, though...
Sgt-D said:
On cnn.com, they have a story out about rip-proof CDs that will be slowly integrated into the stores soon. I'm not sure how well it'll work, though...

They've tried, many many times, doesn't work with any of the software they've got now.

The last Eminem cd was supposed to be the ultimate in rip proof. Some guy discovered that by taking a regular (I think green) felt pen and rubbing it on the edge the cd ripped just fine.

That was thousands of dollars of research beaten by a $1.99 pen
ThraxMan said:
Just goes to show you that the law know's no age. Things for the record industry must be bad if they resort to sueing kids which have no way to defend themselves.

WOW..this just in...kids break the law too. What should the record industry do, just stand around with their fingers up their collective asses? Things are bad for the record industry as well as the artists, didnt you read? Its stealing people, I dont care how many times you say its not, it is. Plain and simple. Hell, I guess I could go up on stage at a concert and steal the bands equipment during soundcheck due to the fact that its not in their hands yet and say "Possession is 9/10ths of the law." or "Im just going to use it once to see how it sounds." Just because mommy and daddy never told her that downloading music is stealing, doesnt make it any less of a crime. Buying music never hurt anybody...its a victimless crime!!!
~Just some points for discussion because I don't know the answer to this.

~The scapegoat is this 12 year old girl. She probably is the spitting image of Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls. But if it were a 13 year old boy, people would be reacting differently. But besides that, shouldn't her parents have told her that this was illegal? Then again can you legitimately sue a child who steals things under the approval umbrella her parents set for her? They might throw this one out, although I think most kids could use a lessen or two.

~A line is being drawn by the record industry between tape to tape dubbing and file-sharing. An even though there may be legitimate reasons that this can be said, the bottom line is that they are losing money. If they weren't then this would be a different arguement altogether.

~Metallica says you can't hear the songs until they are finished, and you have to pay for them. Well what if you don't like them? In states like Michigan you are not allowed to return any media software, (be it games, movies, music or whatever) if the package has been opened. So what's left? Listening to samples on Amazon.com? Can one really tell if they'll like an album being allowed only ten second samples online?

~I do know that I wouldn't want my music, (my hard work and sole means of supporting myself) to be given away for free. If you like it you have to pay for it, if you dislike it you don't... wait should't that be the other way around? Maybe if they eliminated the currency system, problems like these might seem pretty idiotic.
i cant remember how long they have been ripping us off for. they play the best song off the cd & you say "hey, this is pretty good" & you go off to the music store & buy it & you get 3 songs that are good & the other 10-12 suck. now you tell me that isnt ripping us off? i dont know how many times that has happened to me. im here sittng down looking at the 400+ cd's & 500+ tapes ive bought over the last 15 yrs. you add that up & all the music that just sits there collecting dust cause i barely listen to them & tell me how im ripping them off? FUCK THEM. ill stop downloading if they give me my money back for the stuff they put out that is shit.
SAZZ said:
i cant remember how long they have been ripping us off for. they play the best song off the cd & you say "hey, this is pretty good" & you go off to the music store & buy it & you get 3 songs that are good & the other 10-12 suck. now you tell me that isnt ripping us off? i dont know how many times that has happened to me. im here sittng down looking at the 400+ cd's & 500+ tapes ive bought over the last 15 yrs. you add that up & all the music that just sits there collecting dust cause i barely listen to them & tell me how im ripping them off? FUCK THEM. ill stop downloading if they give me my money back for the stuff they put out that is shit.
Damn, if I was that disgruntled, I wouldnt even listen to music anymore. If you are buying shit, thats your fault. Most Mom and Pop record stores will let you listen to clips of each song or most of the album. They also have the scanners in stores now where you can sample every track off of the album prior to purchase. I guess you arent aware of that due to your admitted downloading habit, right? If I go out and buy a new kind of cereal that I think looks good but tastes like toe fungus, I cant take that shit back to the store and get my money back for "False Advertising"!! It doesnt matter how ripped off you feel about buying a load of shit, downloading is still illegal. Deal with it.......bands dont put out these albums for shits and giggles, they do it to survive and if they sound like shit, maybe you need to take a look at your musical tastes. Also, ive found that you can pick an album up years after it was released and fall in love with it after thinking it was a piece of shit the first time you heard it. A perfect example of that would be "Sound of White Noise" for me........One last thought, if you have 400 CD's and 500 tapes that suck, one of them has to be The New Kids on the Block "The Right Stuff" or Milli Vanilli, I just know it.
they had the same problems many, many, many years ago with the introduction of the tape(cassette)the same complaining and bitching!!!it's all the record labels fault, why give an artist millions in advance for a 3 record deal and after that try to sell the piece of crap(Mariah Carey/Glitter) and find out that the public isn't intersted anymore cause they found something new, and what's the deal with investing millions in video's ?? we all know you can make a decent one for way less!!!They are just overpayed!!!!
It's the same in sports, why pay them billions , knowing that you never break even(European Soccer, or should I say Suckers) , people with lost of many just act real stupid sometimes!!
WOrd up to the man Fat Mike from FAT records, they are one of the few labels who are no memmber of the RIAA, even though they were listed as members, it took them a year to get them of the list , suckers!!!FAT proves that you can bring out cd's for 15$ or less and sell shirts for the same price at the SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PUNKROCK RULES BABY!!!!!!!!!
This story makes me fucking sick. I hope like hell the recording industry falls flat on it's ass because of shit like this. I do agree that downloading CAN be stealing but going after individual people like this is a joke. If only they would realize that it isn't so much people downloading music that has hurt their sales but the fact that they put out so much manufactured shit with 1 "good" song that people just don't want to waste their money on it. Like a lot of people have said already What about tape players back in the day? Why didn't they get all bent out of shape over those?
They're friggin retarded. I do think there will be a backlash real soon because of this. People will stop buying cds from RIAA supported artists and will go to independent music artists and stores. CD prices need to go down. Everyone knows that the price to make a cd is minimal, it's vastly common knowledge now so the record company will shoot themselves in the foot.
SlappyWhitey said:
Damn, if I was that disgruntled, I wouldnt even listen to music anymore. If you are buying shit, thats your fault. Most Mom and Pop record stores will let you listen to clips of each song or most of the album. They also have the scanners in stores now where you can sample every track off of the album prior to purchase. I guess you arent aware of that due to your admitted downloading habit, right? If I go out and buy a new kind of cereal that I think looks good but tastes like toe fungus, I cant take that shit back to the store and get my money back for "False Advertising"!! It doesnt matter how ripped off you feel about buying a load of shit, downloading is still illegal. Deal with it.......bands dont put out these albums for shits and giggles, they do it to survive and if they sound like shit, maybe you need to take a look at your musical tastes. Also, ive found that you can pick an album up years after it was released and fall in love with it after thinking it was a piece of shit the first time you heard it. A perfect example of that would be "Sound of White Noise" for me........One last thought, if you have 400 CD's and 500 tapes that suck, one of them has to be The New Kids on the Block "The Right Stuff" or Milli Vanilli, I just know it.
I don't download, and I'm defending a person's right to download to sample the songs on an album. I still say they should buy the cd if they like it, but copying a whole album and no intention of buying it, wtf? Support the band, buy the cd, go to the concert, buy a t-shirt. But cd prices are way too frickin high.
They might be able to make "rip proof" CDs, but as long as you are able to play the CD, use some 'RCA' cables to connect it and record it to your computer, you'll be able to make mp3s and CD-Rs of the original......
hey dutchy- glitter was not that as bad as everyone makes out. sure there are 2 or 3 filler tracks on it but the rest are killer. the film is total crap though, i admit...