14th Anniversary

Wow Constantine, congrats to you both! :rock:

Holly and I are coming up on two years in October, and really I can say that being married to her is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. :cool: I've been amazed at just the things we've accomplished together in the last 2 years, so I can only imagine how proud and happy you must be after 14! :rock:


I must have missed this thread! My apologies man! Wow...14 years. I hope my wife and I will be lucky enough to make it that far. In today's society of divorces after a year or 2, you and your wife are a rarity.

High school sweethearts. I find using selective hearing is the secret:lol:

My wife Andrea is truly my best friend. I'm very lucky and she is very understanding. The weird thing for us now is because we purchased the store a year and a half ago, we now work during the day together in the store, and spend our evenings with our girls. It has brought us closer.
