15.11.2006, Berlin(Ger)


New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2006
Just awake after the greatest Concert in my life.
Was just awesome.
So, someone maybe have Pics of the show here?
Where all all time in the Moshpit or diving around, so i can't take any pictures.
...Hail To The Hammer!
Yeah you are right Fimbul ,Yesterday it was too much Moshpit , the guys must learn to bang there heads. A Friendly girl of mine must be go to Hospital becuase one of the "pitter" puts her down .I Know metal concerts are no Kiddy Birthdays but some guys are to aggresive. :hypno:

k still banging :rock:
Yeah, it's right, but a bit of moshpit must be at a concert.
I also bang the most time, but i think the mosh there was funny^^
I also go down one time in a pit, had then a hole in my head and now a really big scar(?) in my face. And you don't must go into the pit when you don't want it.
So everyone should now what is good for him.
I was standing the whole time (from 6.30. pm to to 9.30 pm) inf ront of that damned columbia club, but they where sold out! I was asking every guy, but nobody got a card or they wanted 70+ &#8364;. >__<
Man, i have missed them. >__>

edit: Well, AA and Wintersun weren't moshbands i think, you can just bang your band.^^
pits are great if everyone is there with the same mindset

have fun and work off some aggression
besides, after enough beer you don't feel a thing...till the next morning ;)
edit: Well, AA and Wintersun weren't moshbands i think, you can just bang your band.^^

Before the concert I think so too.
But It was great to mosh to both Bands, changed ever in the fast parts to mosh and then to bang, really great^^
"A bit of moshpit must be at a concert"

Concerts without moshpits are great!!!!!
And it looks much better if the whole crowd is headbanging, instead of moshing stupid around :kickass:
If you go to a metal, hardcore or punk gig and stand up front there is a possibility that a pit will start (or that someone will stage dive and land on top of you). Whether or not you like a pit is personal, but standing in the front puts you in the line of fire.

I enjoyed pits when I was a teenager. Now I’m in my 30’s so you’ll find me in the back watching the show from the bar.
i can accept that, but i'm into punk and grind and those things, which arose from the punk scene as well, and they mosh correctly. It was called a circle pit people, and i mourn its death. Besides, you've seen my headbanging credentials.