16 NEW REVIEWS - Into Eternity, Hypocrisy, Cannibal Corpse & more

JayKeeley said:
Thanks...although I'm not sure what PJ's thoughts on Hammerfall are? I know he's a devout fan of Manowar, Dio etc, and they certainly all fall into the same category. Indeed, he might have given it a higher score!

HAMMERFALL sucks hairy horse balls.

To even put them in the same category as MANOWAR or the mighty DIO is blasphemy and you're lucky I don't like planes or else I'd board the next one to New York to come and personally kick your ass!!

:D :wave:
ProgMetalFan said:
Though it might not be obvious to most listeners, I think the thing that IE and PoS have in common is that they're two of the only bands in metal that are able to take their vocal arrangements to the next level.
Definitely. That particular comparison is drawn 100% at the clean vocals department. PoS pull this off live really well, but I've yet to see IE on stage though. I hear they're a great live band.
Papa Josh said:
To even put them in the same category as MANOWAR or the mighty DIO is blasphemy...
Really? In that case, you might very well be the only person in the world to love Manowar unequiviocally, and simultaneously hate Hammerfall with a passion. How they're so mutually exclusive in your head is beyond me. :lol:
I have to agree with the comparison between the vocal harmonies...from all reports I've heard, they pull them off live with ease. And another great thing about the new one is that some of the death vocals are as singable as the clean ones (especially on Splintered Visions and Spiraling Into Depression).
This Into Eternity is kicking my ass. I have a question though: is seeing some similarities to Solefald's In Harmonia Universali normal behavior, or am I just losing it?
hmm, I just read the Into Eternity review. Just sound like a mish-mash of different genres thrown together. I'm not a big fan of any of the band's they were compared to either. I didn't know this, but Into Eternity is on Century Greedia?

well, I'm glad some of you are enjoying it. I've yet to find my first 2004 release.
NAD said:
This Into Eternity is kicking my ass.
Yeah, it's like one of those albums that's hard not to like regardless of genre barriers. When the chorus on the first track kicks in, you know you're in for a ride.

I have a question though: is seeing some similarities to Solefald's In Harmonia Universali normal behavior, or am I just losing it?
I don't know to be honest. I only have Solefald's Neonism and Linear Scaffold, and I personally wouldn't draw any notable comparisons to those albums in particular.

Demonspell is the only person I know who's heard both BiO and IHU...
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, it's like one of those albums that's hard not to like regardless of genre barriers. When the chorus on the first track kicks in, you know you're in for a ride.
What I find great about the album is that it could so easily become derivative of itself, but the songs are short enough and each one grabs you at least once. If this were drawn out to an hour or longer, it wouldn't be nearly as good.

JayKeeley said:
Demonspell is the only person I know who's heard both BiO and IHU...
Yep, I'm wanting to lure his take on my comment since I know he loves them both. It may be more in the clean vocals (which are very similar) but the more I listen to IE the more I'm finding them somewhat similar. Not so much in style but in mood.

Also, I don't know any Solefald except In Harmonia Universali, which is allegedly quite different from their other stuff.
NAD said:
What I find great about the album is that it could so easily become derivative of itself, but the songs are short enough and each one grabs you at least once. If this were drawn out to an hour or longer, it wouldn't be nearly as good.
Absolutley - I think the problem with DoD was that I could never make it all the way through in one listen. As a collection of songs, it never worked, but each individual track on its own wasn't half bad. BiO has been tweaked so carefully that each consecutive song just makes you yearn for the next.

Also, I don't know any Solefald except In Harmonia Universali, which is allegedly quite different from their other stuff.
Linear Scaffold is hard to digest, hard to find item.
I think finding similarities between Solefald and just about anything is a stretch myself...except maybe Borknagar for obvious reasons. As for investigating further into their catalogue, I'd get Noenism next, though Pills is a bit more accessible.
Yeah, didn't anybody read it? It took me some serious time and effort to do that one! :dopey:

Perhaps it maintains the Denis Miller factor, only one in a million find it funny, or at least 2 out of 20 or so. :D
Black Winter Day said:
but this begs the question... who is worse: hammerfall or primal fear???
There isn't really any question about this. The answer is Primal Fear. They're purely derivative and manage to not even make good clone music. At least Hammerfall's clone music is done well.