16 old years chinese girl playing Paganini´s crapice

RequiemX said:
Doesn't work for me. I get redirected.

You have to use IE and right click>save target as.

I just bought a guitar. I can't take classes until december so I am trying to teach myself. After seeing this video I think I will quit right now to save myself the worry.
I think thats really good but i alkso think michale rmoeo can do that. oh fuk i had a lot to drink tointe plaese forgive me if my gramr isless than perfect but i realy do think michael j rmoe can accomplish that feat of guitaring.
dang that chick is friggen amazing. now i have to learn that. i can esily find the tabs for it because there everywhere!!!!!!!
but uh ya shes pretty awsome at that. i think she might even do it better than jason becker did when he was still capable. man i sure wish jason becker could still play music. he was so friggen good.
First of all, yeah, Becker is the friggin' man. And that girl's got serious skill. Her right hand is... perfect.

That being said, I get less and less impressed by these technical feats every time I see one. Yeah, she's got more chops than I'll probly ever have. But so what? I watched a 16-year-old shred my face off the other day, and he has 1 year of playing experience. But he's what me and my buddies like to call a bedroom shredder. His only accompanist is a metronome, his whole repertoire is exercises. Those people don't know wtf to do if you stick them in a room with other musicians or ask them to form a band.

I'm rambling. My fault.

Edit: Where is there a clip of Becker playing the 24th Caprice?
ya im a bedroom shreder myself and its true i am not very good at jamming with other people but im gonna start doin it with my freind mike but he can be pretty anoying at times because he wants me to come over way too much and he wants me to play really loud which is kinda dumb because my pickup feeds back too much and hes like oh ya you will get used to it and then im like dude man dude shut up i dont wanna form a stupid feedback grung band

sorry im rambling off too
jo jo said:
ya im a bedroom shreder myself and its true i am not very good at jamming with other people but im gonna start doin it with my freind mike but he can be pretty anoying at times because he wants me to come over way too much and he wants me to play really loud which is kinda dumb because my pickup feeds back too much and hes like oh ya you will get used to it and then im like dude man dude shut up i dont wanna form a stupid feedback grung band

sorry im rambling off too

Hehe, funny post there. Maybe you should try lowering the pickup or do some EQing from the amp to avoid the feedback, and btw you are not any grunge band if you have feedback.
Anyone, who didn't like this little girl's playing, should just go and check their "egos". I think she is awesome; in her age, other girls are playing with dolls. Just imagine yourself in her age... What were you doing :)
turke said:
Anyone, who didn't like this little girl's playing, should just go and check their "egos". I think she is awesome; in her age, other girls are playing with dolls. Just imagine yourself in her age... What were you doing :)
i totally agree with u.im sure most of u cant even read and write music here,imagine the poor lttle girl practicing for hours and hours to get those chops
i wish i was forced to play guitar like she probably is then i would be like really pro now :Spin:
jo jo said:
i wish i was forced to play guitar like she probably is then i would be like really pro now :Spin:
And just PROBABLY you are just a know-it-all omniscient god-like being who happens to determine people lives just by how they play guitar in a seven-minute video.