18 and older only!


Dec 9, 2004
So, I met this porn star at a club. She was ridiculously hot! We found a dark corner in the club and started making out. I don't think I should get very specific, but the bottom line is, we were almost "there" and like a ton of bricks I was over it. She was all I wanted then in an instant...nothing.

I had an epiphany at that moment. This must be what guys feel (except they will usually finish up first)! I stopped, walked away and avoided her the rest of the time.

I've seen guys do this a lot and never understood it till that day.
And the fact that I knew I could have it if I wanted. No question. Guys it's different. Whether you can fuck the guy is not usually the issue.
I dont mean to pry ( or be my usual perverted self) But would she have been your first same sex encounter? And if not. Did the last women keeo you interested. Trust me, Thrax fans want to know!
No, not my 1st encounter :D All of them hot, though. W/women I'm more visually picky. They have to have a perfect body. I know it's shallow, but that's 1/2 the allure. Women are so soft and cuddly. It gives me a chance to dominate as well which I'm not as into w/men. It's just totally different in such a beautiful way. The kissing and caressing...yada yada yada (<--- Sienfeld)
I don't know, maybe. Part of my disgust was her going around asking guys if they knew who she was. Most of them did, but how gay is that? I am not in any adult films that I know of.

I have been offered, but declined. The bartering went from $5,000.00 a shot, 3 days a week to 50% of the films I did, I could write them and pick the guy and wear a mask. :lol: That was fun bartering, tho. I still see the guy often and he still hounds me. Telling me I shouldn't harness myself. I don't see anything wrong w/porn, but it would tarnish my career as an artist in other avenues of my life. Unfortunately, in todays society it would hold me back from my true dreams.
Well whatever your true dreams are take presodence over cheap sexual activity. Although from the sounds of it, You sound like your a good looking, possible hot women with a bit of morals and pride. Never sell out your ideals.
So,this brod actually askes other men "do you know who I am"? Kind of weak don't ya think? The ego and tenascity of that girl would make me lose a hardon in an instant.
prime666 said:
So,this brod actually askes other men "do you know who I am"? Kind of weak don't ya think? The ego and tenascity of that girl would make me lose a hardon in an instant.

Yes! Sure sign of insecurity. Insecurity is the biggest turn off. I can't even casually be w/someone I don't respect. I could never imagine saying that under any circumstance. The closest I've come is saying, "you don't know who your dealing with" and that is merely a warning of my wrath.
Ron MOSH Earl said:
Damn Skorned, I think I'm in love with you!!

THINK??? Whats to think about? Ive done fallen in love , spent endless nights wankin it , and proposed marriage..................in my head. Hey dont ruin my dreams , its a happy palce there and they know me.
So,this brod actually askes other men "do you know who I am"? Kind of weak don't ya think? The ego and tenascity of that girl would make me lose a hardon in an instant.[/QUOTE]

Id be like uhhhh noo, but my penis is telling me we should be closer.


yeah didnt you do that late night infomercial for the Gazelle. I bought two after watching it. You changed my life. That Tony Little is a genius.
I really can't fuck someone that I have no respect for...........wait, no, that's not true. Scratch that. Someone that's nauseatingly insecure. Yea, I'm gonna go with that one.
Skorned1 said:
I really can't fuck someone that I have no respect for...........wait, no, that's not true. Scratch that. Someone that's nauseatingly insecure. Yea, I'm gonna go with that one.

Id just see if I could get some head , sex is to personal. It involves all these emotions and feelings , but head on the other hand. No attachment what so ever.
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY- Dude - Lick the chicks pussy, the dominating feel of that is such a rush for me. I love it when she has to ask me to stop and it makes me hard as a rock.


skorn - call me when you get to the OC :D you :headbang: