18+ NSFW Porn Of The Dead ~^*.,.Hode it up: Zombie Rape inside,.,*^~


Aug 27, 2006
Gygax Island



I was not sufficiently warned about the content of this thread. I personally thought the warning was a joke because I'M A FUCKING RETARD. I'm too fucking stupid to comprehend what I read in the title so I am coming in this thread to complain. The idiot that is myself finds this to be HIGHLY OFFENSIVE, even after being warned that this thread may not be for me.

I will now, instead of doing what I should do (which is killing myself so I cannot prolong the advancement of the human race with my stupidity any longer, or just ignoring this), I will continue to complain when ever somebody defends the content of this thread.

PC on my PC!
The first pic goes to show you how men are. He should be flipping out that his cock is now dangling like a thread but instead he stands tall and proud thinking, "Well, she does have my dick in her hand. Something good may still come of this."