O/T: zombie movies

Romero series, Dead Alive, Return of the Living Dead, Zombi, Gates of Hell,, 28 series, Dead Snow, Planet Terror, Dead girl, Re-animator, and of course the Evil Dead trilogy (while not zombies there are tons of living dead so get fucked).
I thought Zak Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead was brilliant. Introduced the running Zombie. Really dug that film.

Any of you looking forward to Walking Dead season 2 this weekend? Any of you read the comic? Absolutely brilliant.
Why is Braindead being called Dead Alive?

I thought Zak Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead was brilliant. Introduced the running Zombie. Really dug that film.

Any of you looking forward to Walking Dead season 2 this weekend? Any of you read the comic? Absolutely brilliant.

I'm really looking forward to it. Don't know when it will be on in Norway, they showed the last season on Fox Crime and they will probably show season 2 as well. Anyway, I'm not very good at following a tv- show every week, so I'll probably just get it when it's out on DVD.
I rarely watch shows on TV per se - rather just download them off the net and watch them that way.
I can't wait for World War Z or the new season of The Walking Dead. Never read the comic, so its all new to me. And I am glad its a full season as well. As for movies, the original NOTL and the 1985 version of Day Of The Dead are my favorites. The make up effects in that movie to this day are awesome, let alone 25 years ago. That new show Death Valley is also kinda decent for a show on MTV.

I can't wait for Anthrax and Testament on Saturday either. :muahaha:
I can't wait for World War Z or the new season of The Walking Dead. Never read the comic, so its all new to me. And I am glad its a full season as well. As for movies, the original NOTL and the 1985 version of Day Of The Dead are my favorites. The make up effects in that movie to this day are awesome, let alone 25 years ago. That new show Death Valley is also kinda decent for a show on MTV.

I can't wait for Anthrax and Testament on Saturday either. :muahaha:

Hell yeah :muahaha:
I'm well into the second season of the Walking Dead, and I find myself getting kinda bored with it.

The characters are hanging out at a farm, occasionally searching for a missing girl, killing the odd zombie, contemplating the consequences of bringing a baby to the world in such troubling times and healing rather quickly from gun shot wounds...while hanging out at the farm...a lot.

Ok, some of the characters are going a bit mental, but so far the second season is far from the rollercoaster ride that was season 1.

Maybe it will get better towards the end of the season...what do you think?
Much like the comic book (which never gets boring mind you) the TV series is focussing on the true horror of a zombie apocalypse - that is the survivors and their own downward spiral.

Unfortunately for TV it does get a bit tedious. However last episodes (mid season finale) had an utterly brilliant ending.
Just watched another episode last night, an it was quite an improvement.
Quite emotional and a somewhat disturbing ending.

I do enjoy films and tv shows that focus upon character development. However, I felt that it got a bit too much in the first couple of episodes of season two with too many characters going bonkers and experiencing personal distress at the same time, with not much happening otherwise.

Still, the episode that was shown on telly last night goes quite far in proving you right.
I love that Zombie Video that was origanally made for Games Publisher Capcom. Hey Dawn Of The Dead uses complete the same Locations from that Videogame Dead Rising1 (XBOX360), i played Dead Rising 2006 or 2007 and three years later i saw Dawn Of The Dead @ TV and all that scene i thought, hey thats Dead Rising! cool
I thought Zak Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead was brilliant. Introduced the running Zombie. Really dug that film.

There are running zombies in Umberto Lenzi's Nightmare City, though they also have their human intelligence and use machine guns ;-)
Hey, it's a great thread!
Rodriguez's Planet Terror was good, wasn't it? And, yes, Zombieland showed us that those fucking zombies can be scientifically beaten by hard work, courage and sense of humor. The I Am A Legend was also about zombies, wasn't it? Those zombies looked really dangerous...
But all in all I must say that zombies never scared me as bad as goblins did. Zombies are unreliable, even George Carlin stated so. Vampires are usually lame as well. Except of those mean fuckers in that Josh Hartnett movie.
But goblins... yeah! Goblins can make your life miserable - they can simply drag you to another dimension and enslave you for centuries. If you put a healthy zombie against the most shitty goblin - your zombie's gonna be puking brown puss in a half of a second....
Did Anthrax ever sing anything about goblins? There were some gremlins as I remember, but what about goblins?
Hey, it's a great thread!
Rodriguez's Planet Terror was good, wasn't it? And, yes, Zombieland showed us that those fucking zombies can be scientifically beaten by hard work, courage and sense of humor. The I Am A Legend was also about zombies, wasn't it? Those zombies looked really dangerous...
But all in all I must say that zombies never scared me as bad as goblins did. Zombies are unreliable, even George Carlin stated so. Vampires are usually lame as well. Except of those mean fuckers in that Josh Hartnett movie.
But goblins... yeah! Goblins can make your life miserable - they can simply drag you to another dimension and enslave you for centuries. If you put a healthy zombie against the most shitty goblin - your zombie's gonna be puking brown puss in a half of a second....
Did Anthrax ever sing anything about goblins? There were some gremlins as I remember, but what about goblins?

Yeah, I suppose zombies are not really that scary. I suppose it's more the apocolypse scenario that freaks one out. Zombies are usually kinda slow moving, so they are mostly scary when they move in groups. Which they do quite often.

The running zombies in the Dawn-remake are a step up, though.
And the "zombies" in 28 Days Later are wicked, although they are not technically zombies since they are still alive, yet infected by a rage virus.
Same thing goes for I am Legend, I guess. Did you know that Mike Patton voices the infected (or mutated) in I am Legend?

I also think that the original REC movie has some rather scary zombies. That whole film is quite claustrophobic and intense. I've not seen the american remake, so I can only imagine that it's a stinker.

There are quite a few stinkers in the genre, it must be admitted.
Recently tried to watch a movie called "The Zombie Diaries", but I decided to stop mid-film. Terrible movie.

As far as Goblins are concered, I'm uncertain of the goblin-definition. Are goblins sorta tiny beings from hell?
I do know that the band Goblin made the soundtrack for the first couple of zombie movies by George Romero.
I've never found zombies scary. Then again, ironically ebough, my favorite horror movie ever is Night of the Living Dead. But the thing I found scary about that movie is not the zombies, it's the claustrophobic atmosphere and not knowing how or if they're gonna get out of there...and the scene with the little girl is fucking creepy!

IMO a zombie movie is at it's best when it has comedic elements, but is still all about the suspence. Just like Dawn of the Dead - maybe the best film in the genre.
Undead from 2003 is quite funny. Intentionally funny, really, although that isn't immediately clear from watching the trailer.
The plot is completely bonkers. Plenty of zombies, zombie fish and lots of other weird stuff.

It's directed by the Spierig brothers, who later went on to the vampire film "Daybreakers".
