Favorite Movies?


(in random order)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Monty Python's Life of Brian & Holy Grail
Jacob's Ladder
Cabin Fever
Children of Men
Spider-Man series
The Crow
Tommy Boy, Black Sheep & Almost Heroes (RIP Chris Farley)
This Is Spinal Tap
Underworld series
Team America: World Police

Idiocracy is also a recent candidate for my favs.
Those were good movies. Except the werewolves looked like mutated chiuawas or however you spell it.

The werewolves in Dog Soldiers looked much better.
I'll be a lazy ass and copy paste from my myspace:

Most Kevin Smith, Monty Python, or Stanley Kubrick Films.
Blade Runner
Come and See
Donnie Darko (To an extent...)
Dumplings <3
Ichi The Killer
Irreversible (Craziest fucking film EVER)
Jacob's Ladder
Memories of Murder
Pulp Fiction
Old Boy
Requiem For A Dream
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

And shit thats not on there yet:

The Fountain (AMAZING fucking film, BTW) and Children of Men. Probably missing something else...
So is Children of Men good? I thought it looked decent, Post Apocalyptic films are my favorite.

In fact, most of my music is themed with PA events.
Star Wars (Episodes 4-6)
Clockwork Orange
Snakes on a Plane
Team America
This is Spinal Tap
The Day After (not to be confused with The Day After Tomorrow)

Children of Men was indeed really good. I want to see it again.
lots of them were already mentioned:

The Crow
Jacob's Ladder
The Shining

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Pan's Labyrinth
The Devil's Backbone
Lady in the Water
The Other
The Wicker Man
National Lampoon's Christmas/Vacation
ahh, damn!

American Pie
A Clockwork Orange
La Dolce Vita (<3 Fellini ... any other movies of his to recommend?)
Dawn of the Dead
Snakes on a Motherfuckin' Plane...

i suck at listing things

also won't go too near favorites.
but every disney movie up to... let's say emperor's new groove. i could live off that and be very content. same with miyazki's stuff (minus nausicaa)

beyond that there might be a select few movies i could repeatedly watch. but not many and not worth figuring out.
oh, the one with Nicholas Cage, of course :rolleyes:

who do you think you're talking to, man?

hehe, the ending of the original gave me chills. a great (and amusing) movie
i haven't seen it and have only heard bad things.

have you seen the super extended edition? it's always piqued my interest. i remember seeing it in a wooden box at the store and everything.

i included one of the scenes of the crazy dancing and some of the paganism dialogue, in a paganism project i did for religion class in grade 11 btw!

also played Slough Feg's Brave Connor Mac

i'm core.