Favorite Movies?

Copied and pasted from college Facebook:

WALK THE LINE, CAST AWAY, ROCKSTAR, THE DA VINCI CODE, BRAVEHEART, FORREST GUMP, LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY, V FOR VENDETTA, THE CROW, MERLIN, LABYRINTH, ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, War of the Worlds, The Boondock Saints, Click, Edward Scissorhands, The Breakfast Club, The Mothman Prophecies, Dead Poet's Society, Back to the Future Trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Solaris, Saving Private Ryan, Enemy At the Gates, Billy Madison, Troy, Detroit Rock City, Tommy Boy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Garden State, Faceoff
Matrix Trilogy
Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended DVD's
Jacobs Ladder
Donnie Darko
The Last Samauri
The Crow
V for Vendetta (basically anything wachowski)
Forest Gump
Band of Brothers (not really a movie but a series)
Mothman Prochices (the most non-goreist, creepy movie i have seen)
Kung Pow
Memento ( FUCKED UP!!!)
FIGHT CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in shock people actually liked not only matrix 2 but 3 as well. :zombie:
lol, in movie 3 with the Archetiect (aka Kernal Sanders) when he is talking to Neo about how the Matrix came to be and the fate of the one..

well i sat down with a pen and paper, and put on subtitles...and i would play and pause through that entire scene and write down every word and study it...
Yeah. It's called the bible! The last fight should have been in a dragon ball z cartoon. Lame.

yeah, check out the liscence plate on the back of ghosts car during the freeway scene in 2.....its a bible passage

also the scene in 2 when the agents pull up to the building in the beginning...another passage.

the numbers on the plate represent the passage, and one of them talk about a "smith"