
elzka said:
zupi, ado or what the fuck you wanna be called, dont worry, you dont have to tell me that im not pretty or beautiful, i know it already, thank you very much. you also dont have to like my singing, i dont give a fuck. but you seem like one of those assholes that yoused to bully me at school. i hope you die.

"had i not known i was dead already, i'd have mourned thy self" - Josh Silver

good man ould josh :tickled:
elzka said:
i dont believe in god, so i dont care. whey! im the bad girl again..
oh and ado, if youre just trying to get me outta this forum so that you can put another mark to you notebook, then be my guest and have the pleasure.
i hope we meet sometime irl so i can see what youre really like.

i hope i get to meet Amelie :yell: