1957 vs. 2009

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Not ones that work. Spanking and beating are two different things, and loving spanking works.

No, I disagree. Other methods do work. I'm not necessarily claiming that spanking doesn't, but my point is that there are other ways to discipline our children. I was never spanked as a child.
vihris wins. I've seen these things all over the internet and they're all such bullshit. quit whining. if you don't like how things are going, do something about it. posting pseudo nostalgic bullshit on the internet achieves nothing
Spanking has been PROVEN to not be an effective means of punishment.

It might stop the behavior at the moment, but it is basically breeds a "Hey I can just take the spanking and do what I want to do anyways" thought process in the child.

You keep believing that.

Scenarios 1 and 2 are most definitely true.

Particularly 2 - it's impossible to get into an honest fight in public anymore.

America in particular has been turned into a nation of pussies.

The others are mildly exaggerated.

As for Alex Jones, he doesn't point the finger at the right people.
"1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies."

Fisticuffs hey?

I wasn't aware 1957 america was so much like late 19th, early 20th century britain
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