I wish I could say the same. I was introduced to really good metal because of my half-brother (Metallica "Ride the Lightning" and Iron Maiden "Piece of Mind" I remember hearing when I was six). I jumped on more mainstream stuff at the time: quiet riot, ratt, twisted sister and Ozzy. I tended to bounce around and listen to pop music as a wee kid also. I think the real metal conversion took place when I was about ten. My friend Angel had an older brother stationed in Germany, and he would send tapes to angel. So I got to hear Kreator, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Destruction at a really young age when it was pretty much brand new. When I was 13 I started doing the official "find the heaviest shit I could" quest. Bathory was and will forever be something special to me for this reason.
i had ALMOST no real embarassing period where i listened to stupid shit
I gave away all my nu-metal CDs just this year. There were only maybe 25 or so, not too bad. I kept the first Korn and (hed)p.e. albums. I still enjoy those two once every few years, although I usually skip several tracks. I never got into glam so I'd consider this portion of my '95 to '99 listening the only real Dark Mark on my record, I suppose.

And tonight just thinking about timelines whilst consuming beer...

In 1982 I had Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy on 8-track and that was glorious. I was 3 years old. Bath time on TV was Ernie and Rubber Duckie, but my own said hour of cleansing was complete with The Ocean over and over again. Best riff ever? Yes.

In 1984 my mom's friend made her a mix tape consisting of Suicidal Tendencies, the Smiths, Jesus & Mary Chain, and the Vandals. I played the Suicidal Tendencies bit so god damn often I'm sure that thing was stretched beyond recognition.

In 1986 I bought Twisted Sister's Come Out n' Play on tape, probably because it was the only thing I found at Target for $4 that would impress my older headbanger cousins who introduced me to Iron Maiden and Quiet Riot (along with the Beastie Boys).

In 1991 I truly heard Metallica for the first real time (a few years before I had a copy of Ride the Lightning on tape but it didn't impress me... ah, the foolishness of youth) because the first CD I bought was their black album. And that's when the real obsession with things Heavy Metal began.

Bwahr bwahr badadow...
Bunada, bunada
Dun-da dun-da

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
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I remember weekends at my father's house completely rocking out to my father's Zeppelin albums. Whole Lotta Love was my favorite riff growing up as a lil guy. I air guitared that song in the backseat of my father's car hundreds of times. I grew up on Classic Rock.