1st post...new metal project (surprise)


Mar 6, 2007
I'm pretty novice when it comes to this recording/mixing biz, thankfully I found this place and from the posts I've read on here everyone seems to be pretty open and willing to comment on things and unless you get your panties all hurt it seems to benefit multiple consultations before settling with a final mixdown.

SO that brings us to line 5 which is where I'm typing this stuff RIGHT NOW. Until recently, like the last month or so I've been using CWHS 2002 and to be honest at first glance opening Nuendo I was pretty intimidated and just didn't use it. Yeah I know, chicken, bawk bawk, and the like. Thankfully my soundcard took a dump and the Emu0404 I replaced it with isn't compatible with CWHS 2002 or at least not the version/copy I have. So pretty much I either had to go out and find new recording software or I could break down and use Nuendo 1.5
As of now I've only done 2 projects using Nuendo, one of which is the link I'll be posting today. Its alright for a start so far or at least I like it anyway but I'm not sure where it will end up going or when I'll get around to finishing it..yeah yeah, shut up already. k here's the link

poor lonely 1st post...I'll be your friend, dont you worry about that. When am I going to finish more than the intro?
Nice...that snare sounds wierd though..like it's panned slightly left....

welcome... there are plenty of cools guys here who are really helpful to noobs like me.
Thanks man
I dont like my snare, I'm currently browsing for another sample to get more attack as well as some depth without sounding too boomy.
I hear ya though man. There is so much knowledge typed on this forum its insane. I've already noticed a drastic improvement of my mixing after reading a few tips and things people have put on here.
Hey dude!

Have not listened to it yet, but cool to see you here as well.. now i can rate your mixes over here, much, much better eh?
sweet :kickass:
hopefully now my recordings won't sound like total arse :zombie:
here's looking the forward on the mixes-o-my-soul