1st post


New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2005
Porto Portugal
Hi everybody...
Just wanna say that I saw for the 1st time OL in Portugal - Porto last Thursday and I was amazed with their music. I bought the last album today and its simply great.
Im wondering if there is any portuguese fans around this forum...
Well- I am not Portugese ( but dutch) but I was in Portugal in the spring for two weeks- to enjoy the sites and climate of your beautiful country!

Welcome in Beren! :wave:

This is me in Portugal supporting Orphaned Land

What the heck>> here are some more sites of Portugal- Algarve

This coastline made me fall in love with the place

And the cute goat ofcourse ( goats' cheese :loco: yummie)

This was once believed to be the end of the world

This doorknocker alone makes me want to live in this place> cool!

And you guys have windmills as well :D

Let's not forget that Portugal is the home of the mighty MOONSPELL :cool:
Hey Beren. :) thanx a lot for the support man! (or woman?)

Porto is one of the most amazingly beautifull cities I have ever been in. Being there by the river has inspired me a lot! Welcome to our forum, I hope you will enjoy here and even find a friend or two. :)

Cheerz, thanx again!