2 steppy song listennn!!

Ok i actually like the song so don't take the following criticisms as anything other than trying to help...that said: sounds like there's some weirdness in your guitar panning, also the volumes don't sound even. You should hard pan one left and one right. The kick is basically not there, I would bring that way up. i cant say much on the eq because i can't hear it so work on that first. The snare sounds a little weak are you boosting between 200 and 250 hz? also put a low pass filter on the guitars if you don't already, and cut some 4k. if you already did that maybe bring down your low pass more or play with the amp settings if you have to...the tone is pretty good but its got a lot of fizzyness going on. And the overheads are really low i could only hear the cymbals on a couple parts. good luck tho i dig the writing!
okay i will deff do that would you listen to the song high hopes that is also connected to the link provided in the op
same issue with the guitar panning. you should have one rhythm panned to each side, or on the part where theres some heavy chords and two different lead parts (the riff that u fade out with and its also about halfway thru) you should put the really high melody center and pan the other one left. But for most of your rhythm parts you should double them and have one on each side 95-100%. Also the snare needs to come way up, the kick sounds decent but maybe bring it up a little and play with the eq if it starts pumping.
same issue with the guitar panning. you should have one rhythm panned to each side, or on the part where theres some heavy chords and two different lead parts (the riff that u fade out with and its also about halfway thru) you should put the really high melody center and pan the other one left. But for most of your rhythm parts you should double them and have one on each side 95-100%. Also the snare needs to come way up, the kick sounds decent but maybe bring it up a little and play with the eq if it starts pumping.

well with the cold night song i had 2 rhythm tracks total. One panned L80 the other R80 and for the lead i have that panned L50. so they are panned pretty far. when you say same issue with the guitar panning, what is the issue exactly as in how is the audio deprived from what you are hearing!

for the guitar tone, i do agree 100% that some of that highend frequency needs to come off so thats going to happen..

also i have a compressor on the guitar before it is recorded. do i need to compress it again in cubase after the track is recorded?

thanks alot for you input!
You need to add some short fades to the edited guitars (where you cut out the noise in the beginning).

Guitars are very centered, vs the drums which have a pretty decent stereo image.


Try hard panning the rhythms and centering the lead. Also, the left rhythm as it sits right now to me sounds lower volume-wise, but it could be the panning or something thats just making the two hard to distinguish. And to answer your question, the song gets deprived in the sense that you don't get as wide of a recording, and really cool parts don't sound as big and clear so people may or may not hear everything going on...
okay so i made some changes

-Rhythms are panned 100 L R
- Leads are more centered
-I put more eq on individual tracks
-Eq master channel

please let me know if there was improvement!!!
To be honest it sounds kinda the same dude. On the first part where ur switching between chugs and little harmonized leads, you should have basically the same chug riff on both sides but the little lead part should be different like it is now. It sounds like the chugs are dead center like u have one mono rhythm and then it opens up to stereo for the leads. Also make sure youre recording two seperate rhythm takes dont just duplicate it and pan one left and one right.
I know :Spin: but it's still wrong.

its right in its own sense....

just like there, their, they're

they all sound the same but have different meanings.

there is the
-hip hop 2-step
-the hardcore 2 -step
-and the british 2-step( or what every the wiki link said that you provided)


also thanks for the advice on re recording the senconds rhythm. ill be doing that shortly :) ill let you all know how it goes
i mean i like pwd ha! alot of people say that about my band too. its just similar music but still our own stuff!