2 steppy song listennn!!

it sounds 100 times better now! Still a lot of work you could do on the guitar eq and they are also overpowering the drums but that was probably the single biggest improvement you could make to the recording. a high pass filter is an eq technique where you set a frequency and everything ABOVE that gets through and everything below is cut out thats so only the highs pass. A lo pass is the exact opposite, so only the lows pass. Typical metal settings for a high pass would be between 100-200 hz, the higher you go the less boomy the guitars will be but you will lose some bottom end. I prefer mine around 175-185. A typical low pass would be between 8-13k. 8 is pretty low but if you have really bright guitars it works. 13 is very high and can start to sound harsh.
dude, thank you so much. ( that also goes to everyone who offered advice)

i will be working with the high and low passes and that final revision had a completely new tone ( different head and eq) but ill be tweaking it more!