20 Q with Manson


I got this email & just busted out some questions for Sludge.
I don't know what they will use, but I gotta tell you there were some good ones on there...
You might ask why Clifford?
Well I used the name Clifford "Junior" Newsted.
Kinda lame I know....

What up Clifford!

OK, we gotta rock on this.

I need to get 20 Questions together for MARILYN MANSON! We need to get these out
ASAP, like, today, as there is a very tiny window of opportunity to get this
done, and the window won't be open for long. This pretty much is our one shot
at this, so if you have anything at all you think we should ask him, send me
whatever you got. I'll do my best to work in anything you send me, and I've
sent out this same request to everyone else on our staff so whatever I get in
the span of the next 2 hours will be used.

If you don't have anything or don't have time to reply, no sweat, but this could
end up being a totally cool interview and definitely a major 20 Questions for

You rock!!!
What about...

a) Why your music sucks so much?
b) Why are you making such crap to give real metal another unnecessary bad image?
c) Why are you a bad clone of Alice Cooper mixed with Madonna?
d) Why don't you go and tour with Slipknot, sicne you both are the same garbage?


P.S. Any resemblance of me and a guy who hates MM is purely TRUE!

P.P.S I hope I'm not offending you Sixx in case you do like MM. But to me he represents all that is bad in music business and misrepresents true metal.
Well, I have to say that AntiChrist Superstar was agreat record & still is. But that was him at his peak & there is no way he'll ever top it.
Anyway here's some a handful of the questions that I submitted, I lost the other email with the better ones on it. Damn it!

You totally fucking rule. Thanks a ton!!

We're getting these pretty quick and they should be out within the hour.

Thanks again...

Jani Bon Neil

Quoting Sixxswine@aol.com:

> how about...
> Have you ever had sloppy seconds?
> What did the other guy think about it?
> And how sloppy was it really?
> Did Twiggy ever move in on other members of the band?
> Don't you think John 5 sounds gay? It's just a gay sounding name, were you
> responsible for that? Or did he choose his own
> stage name?
> Does John 5 like to give or recieve?
> Just curious, I didn't say you guys had a thing going or anything....
> what's the obsession with covering bland 80's pop bands?
> Are you trying to relive your childhood or was this something suggested to
> your by management?
> Doesn't Fred Durst run your label?
> What do you think Fred Durst has contributed to
> contemporary music in the new millenium?
> Jealous?
> Have you ever thought of stealing his guitar player?
> You know a guy in a headless teddy bear suit is probably just what Manson
> needs to bump up those record sales...
> This is all for now....

http://www.metalsludge.tv/ -- Where the Down Boys Go.
I'd like to see what his response to these questions myself. I'm a MM fan, not from anything new just up untill Antichrist Superstar, that was his best, and everything before it was good too.
I liked your Qs they were really good Sixx, I hope they use most of them.
Especially the one, "Does John 5 like to give or recieve?" That was damn funny.
Awwww fooey! I'd like to read them too, someone should ask him about that time he pooped on stage and rubbed his boot in his shit and threw it at the crowd and they liked it. He was like a poop flinging monkey.
"I took my monkey to the country and I fed him on ginger bread
when along came a choo choo and knoked my monkey coo coo and now my monkey's dead....well at least he lookes that way, but then again don't we all?"
I love that song.
O.K., I'm late here but I could do with some MM bashing.
I'd ask " Brian(cause he hates that apperantly), are you sure sure you're not just being weird for the sake of being weird?", or " I can really hear Trent comming through in your last 4 albums, you're playing the tambourine right?"