20 strings!!

Ultima Ibanez Overlord

-=The Dude Abides=-
Mar 17, 2002
999 letsby avenue
Well, knock me down with a feather!

We have a saying here in England. When people are waiting for a bus, it's said that you'll be waiting ages for one with no sign of any, and then all of a sudden, 3 come at once.
I mention this because it's like that with guitars here for me at the moment.

I've been wanting a 7 string for a while, and I have just got some money, so I have ordered a Kramer 7 string from MusicYo.com. It's not the best guitar in the world, but it's got some decent features and it's very cheap. It will be delivered here on wednesday, hopefully.

Anyhow, true to Sod's (or Murphy's) law, the very next day after paying for it, an advert has appeared in the local "sell your goods" paper saying "Ibanez RG 7 string, black, immaculate. 275 pounds". This is pretty much what I have just paid for the Kramer, so I was a little miffed at having missed the opportunity to buy an Ibanez guitar (my favourite brand).

Well, I'm making enquiries about buying it! I called the number tonight, but the guy who answered didn't know much about it. Apparently, it's his son's guitar. But he did tell me it's what he thinks is an RG 3170. I haven't heard of that model, but I thought all the 4 digit model numbers were Prestige models(??). I have searched about online for it, but I can't find that model.
They live pretty close by, so I'm going to go and check it out very soon. If it's a decent guitar and if it has a trem, I think I will buy it.

And as if Lady Fortune hasn't smiled upon me enough, my uncle has just said I can have his old Ibanez Roadster II!!!! It's not a great guitar, and it's not in fantastic condition, but it's a free Ibanez, and who am I to complain???

If I can buy the Ibanez, I'll have 3 Ibanez guitars! RAWK!!
This will mean I'll have 2 7-strings, 2 (Ibanez) 6-strings and my two acoustics. Time to practice!!

So, if anyone wants to combine efforts on a 7-string adventure, I should very soon be well equiped to handle it :)

That's it. Just wanted to share the news with someone.
Yes! Get an Ibanez 6 string!! Fuck it, get an 8 string, like the bassist, Rob Van Der Loo, of Sun Caged!!
The bassist in my band plays an Ibanez 6 string. It's an SG (I'm not sure which model number). They're really nice basses, and the neck isn't ma-hu-ssive.
Does Steve Harris ever venture past the 4th string? I've only ever seen him with 4 string basses.

Well, today I called them again about the guitar. They HAD got the model number wrong. It turns out it's an RG 7321. It's not such a good model. In fact, it could possibly Ibanez's cheapest 7 string model. It doesn't have a trem, and that's one of my favourite features on Ibanez guitars; their trem system.
But it is an Ibanez, and I think it's Japanese made. I have seen it online advertised for 365 dollars, brand new. I'm going to print off the page and take it wth me to the guy's place. I'm hoping I can say "look, it's for sale here, brand new, for pretty much what you're asking for it. Wanna knock quite a lot off the price for cash?".
But then he might just say "I'm selling this one for 275 pounds. If you wanna buy one off the 'net for the same price, go ahead, but this is my price".

If I can get it cheap, I'll buy it. If I can't, I guess I'll have to leave it.
I knew it was too good to be true :bah:
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord

Does Steve Harris ever venture past the 4th string? I've only ever seen him with 4 string basses.

Nope,he uses only4-stringers as far as I know. And mainly Fender Precision basses.

(Damn this keyboard sucks! I'mon thelibrary's computernow andthis shite's spacekey doesn't workunlessyou hit it with asledgehammer...:mad: )
My new Kramer came today. It's not a bad guitar, actually. I was expecting something pretty bad, but it's not too bad. Some reasonable components and it's set up pretty ok, too. I will need to change the pick ups, though. They sound pretty bad to me.
The certificate said it had new strings, but they were older than Kramer the company. Anyhow, here it is:

Looks nice! :cool:

I got myself a new guitar too. It's not the best possible, but better to play than my old one. Strato-clone with the classic sunburst colour and with single coil pick-ups. Needs some tweaking to get the best out of it but overall not a bad purchase with that price (10e, yes you saw it 10 euros).

Gotta get couple humbuckers when I have the money, the sound is currently thinner than anything...
Is that one of those stryker (sp?) series guitars? Does it have a trem? Looks pretty.

I am in the process of shipping my new 7-string back. I could not find/fix that buzz to save my life. Now I am thinking about getting a 7620 off of ebay instead. I've seen several go up there..and that model pretty much has all the specs I want in an Ibanez model (other than the UV models I can't afford).
Yip. It's one of those. They're not fantastic, the pick ups are pretty bad and the Floyd Rose is one of the most basic ones available. But the neck is very nicely made, the body seems to be two piece and the fretting on the guitar is fantastic. For $160, I can't complain.
I wish I had the money to buy a decent Ibanez 7 string. When I have the money, I will definitely do it.
I am still thinking of buying the Ibanez RG7321, but that doesn't have a trem.
It's a shame you're having to return your's, Rabies. Will you not ask for a replacement?
I had considered buying off eBay, but having read so many horror stories about people not getting the goods they paid for, I decided to go with a shop that gave out an address and a pretty comprehensive statement about trusting them and what to do if you're not satisfied.

It's taking me a while to adjust to playing a 7 string. I'm so used to the low E being the last string, I keep thinking that the A is where the low E is.
I made a short little song last night with it. It'll be on my IUMA page in a few hours if anyone wants to hear. But beware: it's not anything like Iron Maiden :lol:
Looks nice, UIO.:cool:

That sucks Rabies.:(

I got my Ibanez Destroyer from http://www.americanmusical.com . The guitar arrived in perfect playing condition. The action and intonation were perfect and I was totally happy with the service I received. My brother also ordered a Destroyer about the same time (except he paid extra for next day delivery and he got his before me and I was the one that told him about it. :mad::lol: ) and his guitar was perfect too. His guitar case had a broken handle and they shipped him another guitar with case and told him he could simply swap the case, or play the new guitar as well, choose the guitar he liked best and send the other back with the defective case. Excellent customer service.
That's cool service. I'll go check them out now. I have been looking at online prices, they're so much cheaper than most here in the UK.
I paid extra for priority delivery, too. It got here in 3 (business) days.
How much did you save on delivery charges, Mr Hyde?
I ask 'cause the difference in delivery charge with fed ex was silly. It was $52 for some wishy washy service that could take ages, or $62 for priority 3 business days delivery outside the US, 1 business day in the US.

EDIT: I just checked out that site, and it doesn't have too many Ibanez guitars that I like. Only a few standard RG and S series gutars. I fond this British shop that has this Ibanez, and save for the the single coil (which I dould live with, for sure), I think it's beautiful:


An amazing finish, a great finish on the logo, my favourite inlay arrangement/style and that binding is beautiful when you see it up close.