4 Questions for Chris.B

I bought myself this guitar


And you know what it is such a fantastic piece of equipment.
@guitarguru: i dont agree 100%... YES, jap ibby are far better instrument "out of the shelf" compared to a korean instrument "out of the shelf" but... you pay something like 875 euro for a ibby rg1570, prestige with stock pickup where a rg370 is near 400 euro... there is a 475 euro that you can use to have your guitar setted and dressed by a pro and fitted with any pickup you want. The result will be better in my opinion.

I understand that many low profile endorser buy cheaper non-prestige ibanez and then send them to ibanez custom shop for treatment.

If i remember correct in the past years Chris itself used to buy rg7321 to customize it and recently Dave mustaine has toured with 3 korean instrument that have been recently ebayed.

@daniel: is it a sa120ex?
Hey Chris

I'm Christian, a music student from Colombia and I wanted to ask you something about your gear.
I've noticed that you use something slightly different than a pick when you play.So I wanted to know
what is it... is it a custom pick of yours or like the one you use when you play classical guitar or what?

Thanks for answering.

Hope to see you soon.

Hey Chris

I'm Christian, a music student from Colombia and I wanted to ask you something about your gear.
I've noticed that you use something slightly different than a pick when you play.So I wanted to know
what is it... is it a custom pick of yours or like the one you use when you play classical guitar or what?

Thanks for answering.

Hope to see you soon.

It's his own pick clip. 2:59
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