200.000 Decibel

The infernal demon skull

Blast ye scurvy dogs
Jan 12, 2002
I where on the 200.000 Decibel gig yesterday.
And I just want to say: Thank you so much!
It was the first time I had the possibility to see Hypocrisy live and they totally blew me away!
It was really cool that they played Gasen i botten and Mera Brännvin by Eddie Meduza in the end!
... but i wasnt able to...

I think I'm lucky I did'nt. I would have hated the Eddie medusa covers... :yuk:

What else did they play (Setlist please...), and how long time? Were there 2 stages or what? I think that 3 ours was a little short time for 5-6 bands... I also wanted to see In flames and Haunted.
None of the bands played real full sets, this was just a special night to raise money for a good cause and at the same time have a good time. I liked what Hypocrisy had to offer that night and just like The infernal demon skull, this was the first time I saw 'em and I agree, it kicked ass.