2006 is approaching and still no new album?

I'm willing to wait as long as they need to work on this album, but thats mostly because I am a newer fan of the age of 15 and I only own the first 4 albums. Cant wait to hear the Ritual!
Eyesore said:
It's amazing how shitty some fans are. First off, maybe some of you selfish pricks have forgotten, but didn't Chuck have cancer? Do ANY of you have any concept of what that word means? What it does to someone? Jesus! Get real! I guess Chuck should have gotten that new album out before the chemo treatments, right? Just so you don't get mad at them!

I guess you'll be using that same reasoning in another 5 years, right? "Dude, Chuck had cancer at some point in the last decade, like, cut him a break already!" Obviously health problems have slowed the band down, but it's pretty safe to say that the main thing slowing the band down in the last few years is lack of stability in the lineup and a seeming inability to sit down and pen some quality songs. Get real, bro!

Eyesore said:
And Testament are releasing DVDs, how is that a bad thing?

In and of itself, it's not a bad thing. But when you're encouraging your devoted and new-material-starved fans to buy these DVDs/bootlegs/merchandise instead a good old studio album, it's probably time to start questioning their motives. Yes, I have a choice, and I choose not to buy any of that half-baked shit, but that doesn't mean that I don't have principles to go along with it. I hate it even when bands that put out a respectable amount of new material try to push all kinds of stop-gap releases that are nothing more than catalog filler for collectors and such.

Eyesore said:
At least this fucking band is releasing something for the fans while most bands sit around for years and do nothing whatsoever!

Unless you listen to a lot of aging rock bands, you're completely full of shit on this one, chief. I mean, what the fuck? Most any self-respecting thrash/death/black/whatever metal band puts out a studio album every 3 years, if not sooner. We're approaching a solid 7 for Testament.

Eyesore said:
Fuck you all and your self-righteous, selfish, cry baby attitudes (not directed at everyone, of course). You "fans" need to realize this isn't YOUR band, they don't owe YOU anything. You choose to be a fan of their music, if they decide to release a rap album who fucking cares? You don't HAVE to pay for it? A 5-year publicity stunt? What the fuck does that mean?

Hey, fair enough. You're entitled. But I feel like I've put a lot of money and time into this band. Between buying up all their albums, attending concerts, building web pages, whatever, I happen to take it personally when I'm strung along by a band I loved. And you're kidding yourself if you don't think all this "reunion" crap is about as sincere as my love for you. Shit, Louie can barely even play drums anymore, and he wasn't anything special in his prime, over 15 years ago. It's a fucking embarassment.

Eyesore said:
I'd suggest that you grow up, but more than likely that should have already happened so I'll suggest you just shut up, then.

You really told me there, boss. I've had worse at the dinner table...
I totally agree with Lykorian.

I am mostly pissed because they been telling us that something new been coming out for years now...and the only things they gave us are bootlegs, a reunion tour (that never came to my city so I dont fucking care), and now a DVD/CD to "hold us over".

I been a fan since the begining and they are still my favorite Metal band, but this 7 years shit of stringing us fans along is killing me. Now I am losing interest in a band that I felt I could never lose interest in. TestAmenT to me was one of the only bands that got better with time and never shit on their fans no matter what was going on with them. Now, as Lykorian is saying...they look like they are doing a money grab and that fucking sucks.

TestAmenT are big boys and down to earth people...they dont need people washing their balls pretending to stick up for them when people get upset about what has been going on...nothing that is being said on this thread is disrespectful..its just that some of their fans (long time fans like me) are fucking starving for a new album or closure.
Maybe understanding. But get this...good things come to those who wait, and its better for them to spend a lot of time working on an amazing album than rushing out a shitty album. Think of it that way.
Bullshit man, that's a great mentality to have when they totally disregard their fans. Granted, Chuck had cancer. Granted, they have actual fucking lives. In fact, at that point I'd cut them any slack they wanted for not releasing anything new in a while. But Chuck Billy was clearly completely back around the time of First Strike Still Deadly. And yet they've been throwing around fucking "bootlegs" for 5 years. 20$ for that shit? Cancer is not an excuse here, and neither is the "real life" thing. At this point they could have released a new album for a while - but Eric decided to do Dragonlord and then they want to have a reunion...both were a lot of fun, but fucking 7 years before we hear the follow-up to The Gathering? I don't want the reunion to last more than a nostalgia tour. Yeah, hearing Souls of Black for the first time in a long while is fun. But I want the new album, and a tour with the fucking real lineup and the fucking new songs. You know what? They don't owe me anything. But I feel like shit towards this band at the moment.
Boo Hoo... Boo fuckin' Hoo! Let's all go on the Testament Forum and burst out crying like a bunch of little girls, because Testament haven't released an album in a few years.

We ALL want a new album, but whining about it on their forum ain't gonna make them get their shit together any faster... so why don't you fucks just be grateful for the albums they have provided you with, and stop acting like someone lit the fuse on your fucking tampons?!?!

Testament will be back with new material IF & WHEN THEY'RE FUCKING READY... if you don't like it... SUFFER!!!
I hear ya on being pissed at the band, when I buy a bootleg vhs tape then they turn around and sell it on a dvd wtf is that. they owe us nothing album wise but
the do owe us better treatment for all the years we have supported them. Dont they read this or they just dont care?
You know...I have been a huge fan for over 15 years now and i must say this is getting to be a total joke. 10 years on and NO ONE is gonna care if a new album will be released or not, let alone a tour. At least in the years between Act III and The Art of Dying it was known that Death Angel was broken up...
December 12, 2005

New Bootleg DVD for sale, just in time for the holidays: "Testament - Live at the Warfield - San Francisco, CA (Practice What You Preach Tour 1990)," with the original line-up. Includes a special highlight of the Oliva brothers of Savatage joining the band on stage to play a rendition of Aerosmith's "Nobody's Fault," a song they rarely played live. Filmed by Walter Morgan/Deadly Embrace.

see what I mean another merch update, fucking sad!!!!
I love Testament, but the website suck man,the download link has been underconstruction for ever, give us more , who ever set up your website is an amature, get some one that is gonna make your site a reflection of your awesome music, more graphic, updated photos, more stuff to interact with, I know the masses want more of you guys, keep us upddate more often that once every 2 month, and when there is an update is only to let us know about a new a bootleg which is cool and all but I know the masses want more . my ears are staving for new Testament material, what' the hold up guys? you guys are awesome musicians!!!!
pinkfloydfannn said:
December 12, 2005

New Bootleg DVD for sale, just in time for the holidays: "Testament - Live at the Warfield - San Francisco, CA (Practice What You Preach Tour 1990)," with the original line-up. Includes a special highlight of the Oliva brothers of Savatage joining the band on stage to play a rendition of Aerosmith's "Nobody's Fault," a song they rarely played live. Filmed by Walter Morgan/Deadly Embrace.

see what I mean another merch update, fucking sad!!!!

Whats sad is your whining...........Testament does not owe you anything!
They have lives, family, jobs, and choose what they want to do. And when they do it. It's Testament's choice, not yours.........

This thread is one of the reasons, I don't like to post here! Anymore!
Deadly Embrace said:
Whats sad is your whining...........Testament does not owe you anything!
They have lives, family, jobs, and choose what they want to do. And when they do it. It's Testament's choice, not yours.........

This thread is one of the reasons, I don't like to post here! Anymore!

Then quit posting here............
estigma2001 you said "we can discuss"

but every discussion if its not totaly pro testament get immediately terminated with "sorry fans they have family, jobs, chuck had cancer, the world is so mean" who is whining here?!?!