2009 Releases

Since Images & Words :)

There are hundreds of quality new artists around, I'm not going to randomly list bands I like which will probably have no correlation to your tastes. I don't know the majority of the albums listed so far in this thread, but I know Í'd rather give them a go and take a chance of hearing something fresh, instead of waiting for Slayer or Megadeth to simply go through the motions.
Since Images & Words :)

There are hundreds of quality new artists around, I'm not going to randomly list bands I like which will probably have no correlation to your tastes. I don't know the majority of the albums listed so far in this thread, but I know Í'd rather give them a go and take a chance of hearing something fresh, instead of waiting for Slayer or Megadeth to simply go through the motions.

i would have accepted if you said since kevin moore left
And what business is it of yours what someone listens too ? Oh thats right I forgot, putting people down is #1 priority on your list.

I'd rather stick with what Im comfortable with than take a chance buying second rate cloned hoge poge, mix and match garbage I'll never play more than twice.
Closed minded ? Ha ! From a shallow view perhaps.

So, show me one band that will astonish me with great music thats not overly derived or weird for weirds sake. I have found a few but damned if they dont display some "old school" touch. As I recall you are quite into classical music and thats as old school as it gets... just to make a taste based comparision to "old rockers" such as myself.

I would never argue that most bands didnt do their best material in their youth but I would also not jump on washed up accusations due to that. When your once great and never quite match it again doesnt mean you still have nothing left to offer thats enjoyable, especially to those whos taste you appealed too in the first place.

So go ahead, you have great open minded musical taste and have a feel for mine, point me in a interesting direction that doesnt require a period of adjustment and desensitization.
I'm not trying to push my tastes on anyone, I just think it's depressing when all you have to look forward to is a bunch of albums you know will pretty much be redundant. I always want to feel like the next album I buy will change my life, even if most of them don't. I've heard plenty of great music this year, and plenty of shit, but at least I feel like there's always more to discover.

To be honest I havent heard anything this year that would seem likely to appeal to you except perhaps the new Mastodon, but it's difficult if you're not willing to go through a period of adjustment and desensitisation.
Mastodon - Thats good, no learning curve there, I can take more than that. Not alot new either, nothing yet I havent heard Dream Theater do on the progressive end. I was about say, hey its a ZZ Top rip but then realized it was a cover, of a great song BTW. Now an A-typical Thrasher. Good stuff, great band but nothing anymore astonsishing than the "ancients" have already done. Vocalist... Ok considering current influences. I could buy this but might choose others first.

Anything else ?

I liked this link someone put up on old school the other day. Not exactly a full band, or anything "new" but I like how the guy goes about his music. http://www.myspace.com/heartofcygnus
At least you didn't deny that all the other bands you mentioned were washed up...

it didn't matter what i'd say about the other bands. chickenfoot is a new band so how are they washed up? you saying joe satriani, chad smith, michael anthony and sammy hagar are out of ideas? flotsam and jetsam and redemption are underground bands so how can they be washed up when they were never really famous?
I wasn't sure about Crack the Skye at first, but now I can't stop listening to it. It's such a different album for them, and in terms of the guitar work and atmosphere it provides, it's incredible.
I definitely have to pick up both of those albums on vinyl sometime, the artwork on both is awesome.

Yeh, I didn't like it at first either. But,after about 10 or so listens, it hit me big. I love when music does that, you know, somewhat of a delayed attentive listening reaction. Hey Razor, you might want to give "Hazards of Love" by The Decemberists a shot. I hear that 70's folk/rock thing goin' on. Also, contains some nice progressive structure. I think very well done, in terms, of what this band was aiming for.
Hey Razor, you might want to give "Hazards of Love" by The Decemberists a shot. I hear that 70's folk/rock thing goin' on. Also, contains some nice progressive structure. I think very well done, in terms, of what this band was aiming for.

Will do, thanks
Hey Razor, you might want to give "Hazards of Love" by The Decemberists a shot. I hear that 70's folk/rock thing goin' on. Also, contains some nice progressive structure. I think very well done, in terms, of what this band was aiming for.

Pretty good for that mood. Almost more 60's folky hippy-ish no ? A few differnt things in there I hear I cant place. CSN ? The band that did "White Bird" ? , Don McClean (Sp) ? Dylan ? Arlo ? Might work good on my girlfriend :heh: That write up they did about themselves on their myspace is trippin
Mastodon - Thats good, no learning curve there, I can take more than that. Not alot new either, nothing yet I havent heard Dream Theater do on the progressive end. I was about say, hey its a ZZ Top rip but then realized it was a cover, of a great song BTW. Now an A-typical Thrasher. Good stuff, great band but nothing anymore astonsishing than the "ancients" have already done. Vocalist... Ok considering current influences. I could buy this but might choose others first.

Anything else ?

I liked this link someone put up on old school the other day. Not exactly a full band, or anything "new" but I like how the guy goes about his music. http://www.myspace.com/heartofcygnus

I'm not a huge Mastodon fan to be honest, the vocals turn me off, but they have their moments. I don't really see any Dream Theater similarities. True, Crack the Skye is more proggy but their older albums are an amalgam of thrash, hardcore, prog, groove and sludge, and I can't think of any bands who really have a similar sound.
I don't really see any Dream Theater similarities.

Well nearly anything progressive sounds to me like Dream Theater already did it. Been listening to them for along time and they were pretty much the first to delve into that extreme tangent note flurry runs mixed with intricate timing changes in the riffs. That is why I said "on the progressive end". I didnt mean to imply they were a clone or even sounded the same. So many people try to deny the influence Images and Words had on the direction of progressive metal because they simply refuse to like or credit DT for a variety of reasons. The most of which I believe is their popularity and acceptence by average people because they do some really soft stuff too. User friendly I guess you could call it. Hard to put into words but I have a strong feeling on it, their influence and why its popular in "metal circles" to hate them. Dont misunderstand me either, i also know where I heard glimpses over the previous decade and a half of what DT would take to another level.

I was on Mastodons myspace so I probably heard songs from a few albums so I did hear other styles, sounds and influences. Its good.
Pretty good for that mood. Almost more 60's folky hippy-ish no ? A few differnt things in there I hear I cant place. CSN ? The band that did "White Bird" ? , Don McClean (Sp) ? Dylan ? Arlo ? Might work good on my girlfriend :heh: That write up they did about themselves on their myspace is trippin

Yeh, your probably correct on that. It's a Beautiful Day-- did White Bird.
Been listening to more old stuff than new but I got an email last night saying Brendan Perry's new solo album "Ark" is going to be released in the fall. This will conquer all for me.

This is the only album mentioned in this entire thread that I'm looking forward to. I'll post a list when I feel like thinking about it.