2009 Releases

I can't wait for the new album from Faith and the Muse to be released. Should be great, and the EP is in the mail to hold me over.
Converge--Axe Will Fall. I don't know man, maybe I'm missing the boat on this, but many think this is top5 material for 09. It's like listening to my teen-age nephew screamin' his ass off for 35 minutes.
Well nearly anything progressive sounds to me like Dream Theater already did it. Been listening to them for along time and they were pretty much the first to delve into that extreme tangent note flurry runs mixed with intricate timing changes in the riffs.

WTF ... :erk:

Sorry to bump, but this comment was too much for me to resist.
Nearly everything progressive sounds like DT to you? Well you have an odd perception my friend. You act as if DT were the first prog band, and that prog is as narrow as sounding exactly like DT.

Look all I'm saying is that Dream Theater wouldn't be the first band to pop into most people's heads when they hear Mastodon. Certainly not due to some broad comparisons that you've listed.
Nearly everything progressive sounds like DT to you? Well you have an odd perception my friend. You act as if DT were the first prog band, and that prog is as narrow as sounding exactly like DT.

Look all I'm saying is that Dream Theater wouldn't be the first band to pop into most people's heads when they hear Mastodon. Certainly not due to some broad comparisons that you've listed.

Didnt Mastodon just release their first prog recording ?

I was talking about the typical prog composition formula of the
musical wizardry bands or highly technical bands. I dont "act" as if anything, I used the words nearlyand finished with sounds like Dream Theater already done it. Meaning as if it could have came from them, not note for note, I&W and WDADU covered alot of ground and they have covered more since. Im talking about bands like SX, CM, Adagio and the many never quite made it clones of that composition and arrangement structure.

I've been into progressive music since the early 70's and know the many bands that DT reminded me of when I got into them, but will argue that they raised the bar and started a trend that followed with a uprising of progressive metal bands heavily influenced by their early work.

Also as a fan of Fates Warning especially their more Floyd like later work I dont totally buy into comments that Fates was already there producing that kind of prog in their early days, though hints of it certainly exist mostly on No Exit and some of Awaken the Guardian.

In 92 DT reminded me of all I liked about Kansas, Crack the Sky, Rush, ELP, and fusion instrumental improv all edged up with a metal twist and most everything since reminds me of DT. There is plenty of more recent stuff I have not heard or much of.

I'm not really sure DT's influence on highly technical prog is worth argueing against.
I dont go for the wank thing, only those that use the word wank are wankers.

Yngwie is NOT the comparision to use for the arrangement and composition structure of the bands I mentioned. Im still not totally convinced Yngwie wrote a truely great song in his career let alone anything remotely progressive like... at least the kind of music Im talking about.

And lastly fuck this, I went back and found the entire post you quoted and focused on a tiny segment of when I covered enough for the rational mind to understand what I was refering to. I even said something along the lines of "Im not saying they (refering to Mastodon) sound like DT."

So Im talking about the arrangement and you go pick one of SX's most powermetal and neo-classical songs, congradulations! I have full collection of SX excluding the first and have been a frequent listener since 2000, one of my top 5 bands. Excluding the occasional powermetal aspect they sound like a heavier DT with neo classical touches.

and no this is what I said in the quote you quoted "my friend"

Well nearly anything progressive sounds to me like Dream Theater already did it. Been listening to them for along time and they were pretty much the first to delve into that extreme tangent note flurry runs mixed with intricate timing changes in the riffs. That is why I said "on the progressive end". I didnt mean to imply they were a clone or even sounded the same. So many people try to deny the influence Images and Words had on the direction of progressive metal because they simply refuse to like or credit DT for a variety of reasons. The most of which I believe is their popularity and acceptence by average people because they do some really soft stuff too. User friendly I guess you could call it. Hard to put into words but I have a strong feeling on it, their influence and why its popular in "metal circles" to hate them. Dont misunderstand me either, i also know where I heard glimpses over the previous decade and a half of what DT would take to another level.[/QUOTE]

The two statements I bolded are EXACTLY opposite of what you origionally accused me of saying.

END OF STORY "my friend"
Dream Theater 1989

do you still not hear or understand what Im talking about ? If so.... OK :rolleyes:
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The two statements I bolded are EXACTLY opposite of what you origionally accused me of saying.
That's not the exact opposite. Let me break this down for you.

Nearly everything progressive sounds like DT to you?
First you say Mastodon hasn't done anything DT hasn't. Then you go on to say everything progressive sounds like DT has already done it, and within the same paragraph you go on to say that Mastodon doesn't nessicarily sound like DT to you. Man, thats a trip. They don't sound alike, and yet it sounds like DT already did it. Obviously by avoiding my previous question you're admitting DT hasn't already done it all. That's the point.
you are going out of your way to not understand what Im talking about

of course two bands dont have to sound the same but can still follow the same structure formula of arranging their music. X number of old school metal bands sounded heavily influence by Maiden or Priest as if they could have already done it... yet that doesnt mean your saying they sound exactly the same

Why do you keep ignoring that I said nearly

YES it was exact opposite, you said

"You act as if DT were the first prog band"

when I clearly said

"Dont misunderstand me either, i also know where I heard glimpses over the previous decade and a half of what DT would take to another level."

you accused

"that prog is as narrow as sounding exactly like DT"

when I clearly said

"I didnt mean to imply they were a clone or even sounded the same. So many people try to deny the influence Images and Words had on the direction of progressive metal"

your side stepping and not comprehending, not my problem but yours.

So every time you hear Romeo do a neo classical lick neo classical is all their music is about ? Sorry, Symphony X is a progressive metal band first and foremost with some neo classical improv., some usage of classical passages and occasional unfortunante bursts of powermetal

Here is pt 1 of a Symphony X classic where they proceed from the prelude into something that sounds VERY much like Kansas and then musical passages very much in the same vein of Ytse Jam or any other prog instrumental section you can think of. As far as Yngwie he never composed like this.
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No you dont hear what Im saying loud and clear because if you did you wouldnt be makeing a big deal about nothing. Further if you comprehended the entire conversation that brought you to focus on one small part of one post you would not have made a big deal out of what I said either.

Yes I do believe most prog became very formulated but why would someone that listenend to bands from Tull-Floyd-CTS-Kansas-Rush-ELP in the 70's be accused of thinking all progressive music is the same ? Why would someone whos primary progressive bands are DT, SX, Savatage, FW, Threshold and Queensryche be accused of thinking all progressive bands sound the same?
So contrary to what you said, you don't in fact believe that nearly everything progressive sounds like DT has already done it. Cool man! Glad that's all cleared up.
Yes I do KNOW the influence DT had on progressive metal and its footprint is everywhere. However what you failed to recognize is my list of bands is mostly of the primary origional prog metal bands, older guys that already had a ton of other influences, ideas, personal direction before newcomers learned too much of their music and started their own bands nearly cloning the origionals. This is why they are the bands I listen too even though their material is long in the tooth for me now, because the origionals are more pure