2014 Best solution for home recording higain guitars


Aug 14, 2008
Hi folks, really need your advice.

I would like to record @home some loud higain amps (150W Bogner TwinJet etc), but because I can't crank them really loudly to avoid being killed by neighbors (but I don't need totally silent recoding solution, I can make some noise, but not insanely loud like fully cranked up amp with 4x12 cab), so I consider some alternative solutions:

1. Grossmann ISOcab (http://www.grossmann-audio.de/SG-BOX_silent-guitar-box_english-version.html).

I know that usually isocabs sounds very boxy, but looks like Grossmann have some improvements on this and I've heard some really nice samples (http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-m...-tracking-guitars-grossmann-audio-sg-box.html).

Also Keith Merrow has great results with his modded Randall ISOcab (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ_x_hUNrkI).

2. Loadbox (I consider new Two Notes Reload, that looks pretty nice) + Nebula. Most no-brainer option, but I have never been able to get sound that close to real cabs, especially in low end.

3. Attenuator (again Two Notes Reload) + micing real cab. Don't have any expirience here. How much attenuator harm the sound (as speakers don't pushing air so hard)?

P.S. Please no kemper/axefx/ampsims options. Thanks.
If I have to record quietly I'm pretty happy running the FX Send on my head through to a DI then using an IR for the cab.
a) real amp -> speaker out -> loadbox and record speaker out -> impulse/nebula. very easy and very good result frequencywise. But still sounds a bit static and not totaly real..
b) real amp -> isocab -> heavy EQ treating needed to get rid of some heavy low end and some weird spikes and notches in the mids. Sounds like the real deal but not as nice as impulses frequencywise.

c) Axe FX probably the most easiest way for recording but can't say how it sounds because i never owned one.
I've been recording with a Rivera Rockcrusher/Recabinet for cab sims with fantastic results. Bought the Rockcrusher used, took a while to find one for the price I could afford but well worth the wait.
Diezel VH4/Einstein/Hagen speaker out-> Koch Loadbox II -> Redwirez or Ownhammer impulses.
Have been doing it for years. Very flexible and the closest to the real thing I can get at home. IMHO
I use a Krank Rev Jr. head and a Marshall 1960 with 2 V30's and it's loud, but it's not nearly as loud as my guitarist's Rockerverb 50 or my Peavey XXX.

I do like using impulses and whatnot sometimes, but I feel like I get better results micing a real cab and whatnot.

I'd imagine you could get it a touch quieter if you ran less efficient speakers like greenbacks and a 2x12 instead of a 4x12 maybe?