2016 Wishlist

All three times I have seen Stormwarrior live they have been completely underwhelming. And IMO they would not draw anyone to the fest that is not already going. And their first few albums are essentially tributes to Walls of Jericho. If they did a set with Kai Hansen...that would be something special for Ragnarokkr.

Mehh, doesnt appeal to me personally that much unless of course Stormwarrior would play a Stormwarrior set the other night
Why does no one just want Stormwarrior?

I'd LOVE Stormwarrior! In all reality though, they just wouldn't draw in comparison to how much they would cost, i.e. it'd be another Wizard situation. However, you bring in Kai and they do "Walls of Jericho" that would draw. That said, I wouldn't mind them as a co-headliner maybe one of the nights. I just think having Stormwarrior only is a HUGE risk.
Venom would be lame as fuck. Cronos is basically Axl Rose these days and their tone is way too digital and clicky sounding live. That's not fucking Venom. I want some dirty ass sounding guitars and a drummer that can barely keep time.

I approve of Candlemass though. Good luck there though.