2016 Wishlist

Yeah, SRIV was not an easy listen. I think had they used a real drummer and not sampled Lum's drum sound, it would have been a bit better.
Actually I was thinking of Resurrection but SR-IV was pretty bad too. :lol:

Anyway, I don't mean to dwell on their mistakes. Seeing them do classics like "Wings Of Pegasus" or "I've Seen The Wizard" live would be awesome.
They are playing September. Ragnarokkr is in May, i still think they would go over well.

Well let's get Volture out then! Although, I am less for them now since Brent Hubbard left a few years ago.

Correct but the fest would be better off getting someone who has not toured here in the last year. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure Bat played here last year too. Any band that tours fairly frequently won't add much in terms of draw.