- - - 21- 12 - 2012 - - - ¿ The beggining of a new age ?


I decided that every time I see that Fetzer post on the bottom of the page, I'm just gonna post what it says in the Fetzerizer in italics For example...

Fetzer - If you love Fetzer.

I decided that every time I see that Fetzer post on the bottom of the page, I'm just gonna post what it says in the Fetzerizer in italics For example...

Fetzer - If you love Fetzer.

The funny thing is that, if I change my sig someday, in like a year the only thing we will see in the old posts is you saying such gay and weird comments about me, and people wouldn't understand :lol:

Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?
Your Results:
Hell's Forces
You'd be best suited to fight as a demon in hell's army or a human in the earthly forces of The Antichrist. You're just plain destructive and bad-natured. You like to destroy and you have no remorse for doing so. You're partly psychotic and that usually gets you into trouble. You defend evil whenever possible and you cannot stand those who fight for a noble cause. You are controlled by a greater and more powerful leader but you make a good pawn, a tool. Be wary, for you will soon meet your match.