22/08: Mother Eel, Degeneracy etc @ Sando, NSW


Jun 9, 2008
Blue Mountains, Australia

Probably our only Sydney show this year.
I'm in my 'blue period' hahaha!
Red is a little hard to get decent shading with as well. Technically I could do multi-coloured pen drawings, but I haven't tried it yet. Give me a month with an idea and I'll give it a crack.
I ain't going, have Friar Rush or Darker Half on the bill and my chances of attending would increase substantially. Have bands called mother eel on the bill and I'd rather stay home.
Friar Rush is by far a way shittier/generic band name. They might be able to out play us with sweeps and other wanking, but that shit got old when S R V died.
Stabbing at Eels is harder than you'd think.