2203kk gain stacking, 12 clips beaston/off master vs preamp etc

yeah, I'm still not sure what I like better.
I loved it with the m aster on 7-8 yesterday, but now 4-tracked I think it could be a bit too thick and now I'm reamping with the master on 4 again. both cool, I guess master higher for doubletracked and lower for 4tracked stuff works.

and yes, this will be my goto amp for punk and oldschool stuff. But I'm surprised how nicely it sits in a more modern environment also.
And I do love that m201 ;)
just a bit more 200hz and you got a perfect modern metal tone there, bollocks to old school, this thing brings the fucking br00talz!

cheers for this lasse, great sounding amp :D
I just ordered the Ceriatone JCM800 2203 clone, should be here by next week at the latest so if i can sort out my gear i'll upload some clips for comparison.

Can't listen to this clips at the moment unfortunately but will give feedback shortly.
Those clips sound really good! I haven't decide which of them I like most. I don't know If you can use this amp as the only amp for rhythm guitars in a mix, like a 5150 or recto, but as a combination it surely kicks ass!!!! Thanks Lasse for all those clips you keep posting, you rule man!!!!