240bpm thrashcore(SD2.0/PODx3)!!!


Jan 16, 2008
the Netherlands

https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/833092/Self Signn2.mp3

I'm not done with the mix yet, actually i still need to record a solo for it, but that didn't work out for me today.. so yeah it still needs work.

As stated; Guitars are quadtracked, L/R-L90/R90, all PODx3
Drums are all SD2.0 except for the bassdrum which is sampled later.
Bassguitar, if you can hear it... is ewql goliath, wanted to see if i could use it for something else besides soundtrack esque stuph.

Just wanted your thoughts/pointers on the overall mix, how everything fits, etc.

behind the beat as in; not keeping up... or you mean that the drums are in your face, while the guitars are more towards the back?;), cuz the playing is tight i can assure you.
Hehe okay.. all i can say is that i really nailed it on the click;), not bragging or anything but man, if there is something i pay close attention to when recording; it's the tightness of whatever is being played;)

First riff does contain some slides, and the followup is 3/4 postbeat(while the beat is 4/4, hence the xtra note in the first section), so it could be that becuz of that it doesn't 'seem' to keep up?
yeah this def sounds like your almost a beat behind with the click, but it does end up catching back up.