256 lowest sample rate in PT with i7 and 12GB Ram?


Oct 10, 2009
I have a laptop with 12 GB ram and an i7 processor, yet I can't go lower than 256 while recording in PT without massive pops and clicks. And I'm talking about a completely bare session with only 1 amp sim plugin going for monitoring. Any idea what I must be doing wrong? Or is my system actually unable to handle this?
use a asio4all driver
with the direct sound... i get sound like shit
and with asio at 64 i get everything smooth in monitoring
if its not that case you a less powerful vst
I have the same problem with a machine I just built with an I7, 16gb of ram, Asus z77 MB and an M Audio delta 44 and I to cannot go lower than 256 ? The Q6600 machine I had that this replaced did better. I'm massively confused about this? Now granted this is not just one amp sim but basically the same size project the I would and have run on the older Q6600 machine with only 4gb ram???

And Yes, Im running the latest asio drivers...
What kind of laptop?

What interface are you using?

Does the firewire card use a Texas Instruments chipset?
What kind of laptop?

What interface are you using?

Does the firewire card use a Texas Instruments chipset?

This is my laptop.


Using Mbox 2 interface. No firewire, using USB

Upgraded the laptop from 4 to 12 gb DDR3 ram
some plugins can cause that if all the cores are assigned to PT (Slate FG-X for example).
make sure to not assign all your corse to PT and you'll be fine.

btw, "sample rate" means something else
Be sure that you check out the Digi forum and optimize your computer for PT. I bought a new computer a couple of months ago, had the same issues. Couldn't mix or anything without serious CPU overload. Did the optimizations and after that it has been a smooth ride.
some plugins can cause that if all the cores are assigned to PT (Slate FG-X for example).
make sure to not assign all your corse to PT and you'll be fine.

btw, "sample rate" means something else

I have 6 out of 8 cores dedicated to PT. I messaged the guy I bought the Mbox from, he said "PT8 is not supported on vista or XP 64 bit, and does not support the multi-threading capabilities of the i7. That could be your issue." I'm on Win 7 64 bit.

As for the PT optimizations, I read an article on SOS about it a while ago and did some tweaks, but I'll look into it again
Be sure that you check out the Digi forum and optimize your computer for PT. I bought a new computer a couple of months ago, had the same issues. Couldn't mix or anything without serious CPU overload. Did the optimizations and after that it has been a smooth ride.

I've been fine as far as mixing, no CPU problems whatsoever, but when it comes to trying to record at 128 (in a bare session) is when I have problems. I guess I need to re-read the optimizations thing for recording, as when I made tweaks it was for the mixing part, since at the time I was recording in Ableton then importing to PT
I told you to just pony up and get the newer avid mbox

you should have really checked to make sure what you were buying was actually compatible with what you're running

Hope you get it sorted man