
Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
mikael listens to air!!!! mikael, you should hear "the virgin suicides" soundtrack next!

Playlist (January 2007):
1. Circulus - Clocks are like people
2. Air - Talkie walkie
3. King Crimson - Red
4. Cirkus - One
5. 16 horsepower - Low estate
6. Clutch - Blast tyrant
7. Audioslave - s/t
8. Spiritual beggars - On fire
9. Satyricon - Now diabolical
10. Bass communion - Loss

great stuff!
Horrible topic.. :erk:

But hell yeah, I was visiting the site last night, and was surprised like hell!
Air - Talkie Walkie is a good record indeedy! :loco:

Nice to see that he likes Now, Diabolical.. I dislike ALL of Satyricon earlier work, but love the newest one. Call me paranoid but thats just me.
God dang...fora second there...i was liek...FUCKIN...AIR SUPPLy...!!!...hahaha...than God...ti was mistakne ....hahhaa.....i haevnt lsitend to AIr...arent they liek po pelctro...i used to be into that stuff when I was younger...i was actualyl a avid user adn maker of MOD files with FT2..and all that super MOD a and Xm file days...hahaha......PEAC EOUT
God dang...fora second there...i was liek...FUCKIN...AIR SUPPLy...!!!...hahaha...than God...ti was mistakne ....hahhaa.....i haevnt lsitend to AIr...arent they liek po pelctro...i used to be into that stuff when I was younger...i was actualyl a avid user adn maker of MOD files with FT2..and all that super MOD a and Xm file days...hahaha......PEAC EOUT

Air is a somewhat chillout electronica, at least in my ears.
Talkie Walkie is a fine peace of record, if I may say so.
I'm surprised you fags aren't whining about Audioslave being on there :loco:

I'll whine about it then, because that album is fucking horrible.

That Air album isn't really that great either. Moon Safari and the Virgin Suicides soundtrack are much better (as well as the Premiers Symptomes EP). Talkie Walkie just sounds too... French for my tastes.

So anyway, what is so surprising about all this anyway?
Ive seen audioslave live...and have the first 2 records...they're nothign super oringial or revolutionary...but good rock music......adn thats waht I take it for..jsut plain ol' good rock n roll.......PEAC EOUT
No disrespect intended to Mike and his music taste, I know that he listens to a lot of very good stuff, but Audioslave and Clutch are fucking shit (in my opinion). Also, metal_wrath, Air are a French electronica/downtempo duo. Also, I'm guessing Mike is into more 'trip-hop'/downtempo stuff if he listens to Cirkus.