29/12/02: News added


Ok,....there we have the titles of the new songs, or at least most of them.
I take it there won't be any Swedish lyrics on "The focusing blur", mr V? Personally I love Swedish lyrics but I'm confident you know what's best for your album, so I try to not complain ;)
And how far did you come with pre-production so far? I only remember you told us twice when you went to record some vocals.
Is it's a concept/theme album, the lyrics has to be in the same language, otherwise the whole lyrical story would have sever gaps for those who's not familiar with Swedish.

But for the album after this one we plan to have the mixture between E and S again.

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Is it's a concept/theme album, the lyrics has to be in the same language, otherwise the whole lyrical story would have sever gaps for those who's not familiar with Swedish.

But for the album after this one we plan to have the mixture between E and S again.

mr V

damn....mr. V always thinking ahead haha....not many other people would be thinking of the album after next just 5 months or so after the release of their last album :p

Anyway, cant wait to get my hands on it!
I just read in the news of a webzine the new album will be released within the next weeks :eek: Where did they get that info from!? Well, it's obviously not true but before I start to tell them they're wrong........a slight idea of when the album will possibly be released, mr V?
Some mags have come to the conclusion that we'll release it in the begining of this year, which aren't corret. I mean we haven't booked the studio yet........we aim to record it during the summer, as it's very hard to co-ordinate with work and studying otherwise.

I've said that the album will be released this year, and that's a fact.

mr V