Into the oratory

But it sounds weird when an orator is a person who speaks well for a crowd and eloquence is a quality you may have and not something you are... or something... hehe
of course I menat Oratorium, I just mixed the language structure up..with the swedish form "Oratorie"..hehehehe

mr V
That sounds anyway very strange...
In Norwegian "oratorium" is a big work of music (most often with religious lyrics) made for choirs, solists and orchestras...
The original latin meaning of the word is a hall where people may pray or something...

Well, I'm not too familiar with using this word, but maybe someone could explain? ;)
WEll, it depends on how you look at the term. I mean the first thing I said "Oratory" is still very valid for what I meant, as for me doing vocals are like stepping into a spirutal temple sort of, concentrating and performing. But Oratorium may have a more explaining form....still the discussion about the word are quite useless, it's not the most important part here, it's the actuall essence of the news...right??

mr V
A lot of times, here in the States, we use Oratory as the word for a big work of music. We rarely user Oratorium. I think I've only seen that word in a book or a newspaper article once. Oratory would be the correct word for what I think you guys are talking about. Thought it might help to have someone really familiar with the language to pop in and help. :)
I write something so right, that everyone can understand it, is difficult.

I for example...only can this bad "school english" and often I must really think about the words to use to write something here ;).

When you`re speaking to someone in can say something wrong, but the person understand you neverless.

Btw@ Mr V :
What about you`re new job? You want to work in a theatre, right?

(I hope I could ask you that in this forum ;))
I've actually stoped working at the Theatre. I really enjoyed that one, but stiil I work at a nice place right now, at the local music association, in the studio, and we're actually building a new studio right now, so it's nice.

But next year I'll start to study a little, upgrade some grades and study some other subjects as well.

mr V
I'm not taking loans, I've already have that(which never seems to go away)Here in Sweden the goverment is really eager that the people should study and get more competent, so we actually have the possibility to get a form payment while studying, not any money that I grow fat of, but I'll mannish I guess.

mr V
Good luck for all your plans mr V :)!
I think you`ll make it ;)!

here in germany it`s not so easy to get any loan...

I´ve made a "training" and now a go to a special school...and next your I hope I can study...and I hope I get some loan then...
Regarding that loan stuff... In Sweden we have this system that is divided into a loan part and an allowence part, with the A. part beeing 2.200 Skr/month (something like 135 Euro) and the loan part is double that I think (dunno exactly since I don´t take the loan, just the allowence, I try to work instead, wich gives me less money and time, but nothing to pay back..:) ) To get this you have to study full time and take 30 points out of 40 in a year, so you can´t be lazy either... Anyway, they need to raise the amount of money you get, since it is very hard to manage without working nowadays, specially in the cities where the rents are darn high... Hmmm, ramblings again, guess I am back in the tracks...:lol:

-phyros (neverending laziness)
But you can taske loans that are much higher than that amount if you want. The money I get are based upon my earlier incom, not exactly that amount but it's diveded in separate columns, so, if your earlier incom were between that and that you get that and that.............

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
But next year I'll start to study a little, upgrade some grades and study some other subjects as well.

mr V

So, what are you going in for? Metaphysics?:D
No, honestly, what subjects will you do?