Going to do some new vocals tonight

Originally posted by corrado
@ Mr. V: Are you going to have the same line-up as in the last recording, with Matthias, Steve and Asgeir? Would be great...

well Mattias will be a part of it....afterall he is in the actual band Vintersorg :)

@blackspirit :worship: :p
Originally posted by Vintersorg
just finnished the vocals on a track called "Matrix odyssey" and the track became very great in our perspective, some really nordic choir parts against a prog background with hammond and alot of stuff, and did I mention the acoustic guitars on the chorus.........

mr V

ps. the album must be out during '03

this is great!
alredy looking forward to the next album :)

and I guess the lineup will be the same...? If i'm not completly wrong both Vintersorg and Asgeir have said that(read it somewhere)? and Steve too? or...?
Yes, it'll be the same people performing, just with some more addition actually, just small guest things....we'll see.

mr V
I'm just gonna wait for the results here. (Actually I put away Visions
for like a month now, but lets bring the fucker back in the player now!)
I would kill for some more satanic lyrics!!! ( nah - just kidding :D )
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Yes, it'll be the same people performing, just with some more addition actually, just small guest things....we'll see.

mr V

Small guest things...? Hmm, sounds interesting for sure!:)
Originally posted by The Nomad
I've been invited to play the timpani on the album! I've never played before, but I think I'll be able to figure something out.
hehehe......good one :D
For a moment I thought about who of us could do which guest appearance on the album but we didn't even manage to realise our other plan yet where everybody got a job to help mr V having a relaxed life (or whatever our goal was.....) :D
Originally posted by Gaunerin
(or whatever our goal was.....)

I think the goal was more to invade mr V's life, than it was
to help him out! Hehe... I think we're all expecting loads of
new music from him, but we have a problem, out cheff has
bailed! ....Phyros!!! We need you!?!?!? >:eek:)
yeah :( , and he pretends to be n/a
I also wondered why he changed his subtitle into "Broken" but this is getting way too off topic. What have I done. I should think before posting next time :rolleyes: