New Album

Yes. It just turned out that way, no planing behind it.

Some titles are:

Mörk Nebulosa
Klippor och Skär

We've slowly started to record stuff and it sounds beautiful.

mr V

Aww yay!

What do the titles mean?

I could guess, but that way lies madness.
Aww yay!

What do the titles mean?

I could guess, but that way lies madness.

i suppose is:

dark nebulosa
the wind-eye
rocks and edges

well, more or less :blush:

I can only agree, sounding very nice and promising. But as much as I like getting bits and pieces like that I just don't really know how to deal with the waiting for the final result ;)

i would like to say something intelligent, but the only thing i'm able to do now is to quote you :lol:
Can someone translate the titles please?

So very awesome :kickass:

i suppose is:

dark nebulosa
the wind-eye
rocks and edges

well, more or less :blush:
I'll just add a few words to clarify: I think nebula is the English word, vindöga can also mean window and edge here has the same meaning as "skerry" rather than a knife's edge. :)
So very awesome :kickass:

I'll just add a few words to clarify: I think nebula is the English word, vindöga can also mean window and edge here has the same meaning as "skerry" rather than a knife's edge. :)

ehehe nebulosa is in italian too....sorry :lol:
i thought vindöga was a compoused word. i didn't search it, but now i've tried at and it says wind's eye !?!?. do you mean a normal window?
i had to search wiki for the word skerry :lol:
my dictionary (an extended dictionary, not a compact one) doesn't know what a skerry is :ill:
ehehe nebulosa is in italian too....sorry :lol:
i thought vindöga was a compoused word. i didn't search it, but now i've tried at and it says wind's eye !?!?. do you mean a normal window?
i had to search wiki for the word skerry :lol:
my dictionary (an extended dictionary, not a compact one) doesn't know what a skerry is :ill:

That, my friend, is very skerry. Very skerry indeed! :goggly:
So very awesome :kickass:

I'll just add a few words to clarify: I think nebula is the English word, vindöga can also mean window and edge here has the same meaning as "skerry" rather than a knife's edge. :)

'Tis nebula. And "skerry" in English is "a reef or rocky island". I didn't som searching around and I can't even find vindöga, but I found "vindögd".. is this something completely different? Vindögd is like squinty eyed (som vinda ögon -- som är vriden så att det blir snett).

ehehe nebulosa is in italian too....sorry :lol:
i thought vindöga was a compoused word. i didn't search it, but now i've tried at and it says wind's eye !?!?. do you mean a normal window?
i had to search wiki for the word skerry :lol:
my dictionary (an extended dictionary, not a compact one) doesn't know what a skerry is :ill:

Yeah, a skerry is a "reef or rocky island" as stated above. :)
Wikipedia said:
Vindöga är den punkt som en vind upplevs komma från. Det kan också avse riktningen rakt mot vinden. Då en segelbåt med modern rigg av till exempel bermudasegeltyp, står med fören mot vindöga fladdrar seglen. Båten kan gå närmare vindöga med fyllda segel genom hårdare skotning (inhalning av seglen).

Vindöga är också gammalt ord för fönster, jämför med engelskans window (både kommer från det fornnorska ordet vindauga [1].I tidiga hus utan glasfönster släppte fönstren inte bara in ljus utan även ventilerande vind.

Basically, it's either the point the wind is coming from, in reference to sailing. Or it's an old, old word for window from the Old Norse "vindauga".
Basically, it's either the point the wind is coming from, in reference to sailing. Or it's an old, old word for window from the Old Norse "vindauga".

the first thing i tought when i saw the word vindöga was something related to meteorology. we use the word "occhio del ciclone" "eye of the cyclone" to indicate the central part of an hurrican where there's no wind.

but i i like the window meaning. sounds strange in our conception that in the past they prefered a windy place then a bright place where to build up a window.
now houses are mostly chosen for good exposition. a good house here has a lot of windows turned to south, or if not possible some turned to the east and some to the west to catch as much light as possible during the daytime.
Just for the record:

c.1225, lit. "wind eye," from O.N. vindauga, from vindr "wind" (see wind (n.)) + auga "eye." Replaced O.E. eagþyrl, lit. "eye-hole," and eagduru, lit. "eye-door." Originally an unglazed hole in a roof, most Gmc. languages adopted a version of L. fenestra to describe the glass version, and Eng. used fenester as a parallel word till mid-16c. Window dressing is first recorded 1790; fig. sense is from 1898. Window seat is attested from 1778. Window-shopping is recorded from 1922. Window of opportunity (1979) is from earlier fig. use in U.S. space program, e.g. launch window (1965).
Or it's an old, old word for window from the Old Norse "vindauga".

Just for the record:

c.1225, lit. "wind eye," from O.N. vindauga, from vindr "wind" (see wind (n.)) + auga "eye." Replaced O.E. eagþyrl, lit. "eye-hole," and eagduru, lit. "eye-door." Originally an unglazed hole in a roof, most Gmc. languages adopted a version of L. fenestra to describe the glass version, and Eng. used fenester as a parallel word till mid-16c. Window dressing is first recorded 1790; fig. sense is from 1898. Window seat is attested from 1778. Window-shopping is recorded from 1922. Window of opportunity (1979) is from earlier fig. use in U.S. space program, e.g. launch window (1965).

Great!! Hearing from a new album of your favorite band is always amazing.

I always feel frustrated with the swedish lyrics :( because if english ones are fantastic, I cant imagine the masterpieces Mr V can write in his own language. Actually Ive considered learning swedish only to understand Vintersorg lyrics :P.

I hope the album will be out soon. I may be in Denmark around february so it would be great if you play somewhere in scandinavia around the first weeks of february, I swear it will be the best gig ever for me :D Im a true costarican fan!!


Will you use more folkish instruments than synths and atmospheres?

By the way, having Vortex in that album would be SO fucking great. I hope he can sing, we dont care about the accent believe me :D
Great!! Hearing from a new album of your favorite band is always amazing.

I always feel frustrated with the swedish lyrics :( because if english ones are fantastic, I cant imagine the masterpieces Mr V can write in his own language. Actually Ive considered learning swedish only to understand Vintersorg lyrics :P.

We have a Swedish thread somewhere on here...

And hi! Welcome! :rock:
Not that those translations will be any good.. (Seriously, the Finntroll translations on are fucking horrendous.)

but he can have at least an idea of what the songs are about. :rolleyes:
or if he is patient and waits a little bit, he will get some translations from mantis or amf on their website :)