Fission album "Crater"


(sym)phony (com)poser
Dec 16, 2001
Ooohhh...we've finnished the mixing of the Fission album called "Crater" and what a nice piece of energy it became! Some really aggresive still melodic songs are on their way to the masses...hehehehe...we're really pleased ourselves with the whole thing. And proud that we recorded and mixed the album ourself!!

Can't wait to share it with you guys!!

We'll probabaly put out a sample on the Vintersorg site very soon!

mr V
I guess the album will blow us away and leave craters everywhere..... thus the album title? :D Seriously though, where does that title come from? If I remember correctly the lyrics don't deal with astronomy and the likes...? And any idea when the album is going to see the light of day?
Wow, really vintersorg, u didn´t have any producer or soundenginerer or something like that? Where have u learned all your soundenginererskills? Are u selflearned or do u have any education in some way?
It would also be nice if you updated the whole vintersorg site;PP But I personally will be happy with just the sample heh=)
Vampyrian said:
It would also be nice if you updated the whole vintersorg site;PP
Hehe, I'm checking the damn site every day hoping to see a re-designed page to match TFB. Oh well, one day it will be there ;)
Seriously though, if the new design takes a little more time than expected a few updates to the current site wouldn't be all that bad for people who are not constantly hanging around the forum.
Gaunerin said:
Hehe, I'm checking the damn site every day hoping to see a re-designed page to match TFB. Oh well, one day it will be there ;)
Seriously though, if the new design takes a little more time than expected a few updates to the current site wouldn't be all that bad for people who are not constantly hanging around the forum.
It'll be very soon..........

mr V
svältvinter said:
Wow, really vintersorg, u didn´t have any producer or soundenginerer or something like that? Where have u learned all your soundenginererskills? Are u selflearned or do u have any education in some way?
Just learnt it by myself.

mr V
alperozt said:
Who is in the lineup for this album? I'm all confused with the bands Mr. V is in. hehe..
who's not? :D
Fission is mr V and live drummer Benny Hägglund. No idea about any possible guest appearances on the album though. I wouldn't be surprised.
Devourer said:
wow that's great news !! Can't wait !!!

Alright...I just saw your little sig, and I'm curious: You're a worshiper of satan (since that is exactly what Devourer promotes), and still you listen to Vintersorg - the very essence of logic, nature, harmony and reason, I just dont see how the 2 mix...personally I found Devourer being a load of crap hearing as every gawd dam(n) song had EXACTLY the same drumbeat in EVERY song, and it was all fake! I was far from impressed by the midieval smith-hammering sound that was on EVERY song, could they not ONCE change the melody and rhythm? And really...when we all turned 3 we realised that all this satan-worshiping is complete 100% BS, but if it helps you sleep at nights then hey...who's gonna stop a fool from feeling better.

Anyway, Devourer sucks, Hail Vintersorg and reason.

Nordabrand said:
Alright...I just saw your little sig, and I'm curious: You're a worshiper of satan (since that is exactly what Devourer promotes), and still you listen to Vintersorg - the very essence of logic, nature, harmony and reason, I just dont see how the 2 mix...personally I found Devourer being a load of crap hearing as every gawd dam(n) song had EXACTLY the same drumbeat in EVERY song, and it was all fake! I was far from impressed by the midieval smith-hammering sound that was on EVERY song, could they not ONCE change the melody and rhythm? And really...when we all turned 3 we realised that all this satan-worshiping is complete 100% BS, but if it helps you sleep at nights then hey...who's gonna stop a fool from feeling better.

Anyway, Devourer sucks, Hail Vintersorg and reason.


Uhm well, I don't have Devourer because of the band (don't even know them), but a long time ago I played Starcraft Broodwar and there was a character called Devourer and I liked the name !!! I'm using this name for like 2 or 3 years now :p And I'm not a satan worshiper lol :p
Devourer said:
Uhm well, I don't have Devourer because of the band (don't even know them), but a long time ago I played Starcraft Broodwar and there was a character called Devourer and I liked the name !!! I'm using this name for like 2 or 3 years now :p And I'm not a satan worshiper lol :p

LOL! Then I'm truly sorry dude! I just find the stupidity in listening to Devourer and their lyrics completely beyond this world's reasoning - it's a childish mix of idiocy, lunacy and a pathetic search for an identity.

Once again, really sorry then, and stay on Vintersorg, dont go over to 100% crap like Devourer!
Nordabrand said:
LOL! Then I'm truly sorry dude! I just find the stupidity in listening to Devourer and their lyrics completely beyond this world's reasoning - it's a childish mix of idiocy, lunacy and a pathetic search for an identity.

Once again, really sorry then, and stay on Vintersorg, dont go over to 100% crap like Devourer!

lol okay no problem :p And nah I won't touch any Devourer song, not even gonna try to download them :p