"The Focusing Blur"


(sym)phony (com)poser
Dec 16, 2001
Ok ..now it's happening. Today we're enetering the studio for the first recording session (Git, vox and keys...and some fx) we're really thrilled about it, should be a very intersting album to record as it'll be to listen to. Drums. bass and Mixing of it will take place in September...we're doing somé festivals and other things..and I'm also doing the Borknagar album this summer. We'll kepp you posted on how things ae going!!!!

mr V & Mattias
I'm sure I speak for everyone here on this board when I say that I am highly anticipating the new albums. Please, keep us posted. :Spin:
Vintersorg said:
Ok ..now it's happening. Today we're enetering the studio for the first recording session (Git, vox and keys...and some fx) we're really thrilled about it, should be a very intersting album to record as it'll be to listen to. Drums. bass and Mixing of it will take place in September...we're doing somé festivals and other things..and I'm also doing the Borknagar album this summer. We'll kepp you posted on how things ae going!!!!

mr V & Mattias

Im sure the new album will kick ass too!!
Hey Mr. V & Mattias, post some pictures or something of the recording.
Shit, vintersorg are u always awake this early in the morning?
I'm kind of a morning-guy...if you sleep until noon, half of the day is really gone..and time is my greatest enemy you know.

We've been in the studio for two days now...alot of Keyboard recordings...hopefully we can have a bite of the guitars today...the thing is, it always take some time to set things up and adjust the sounds you want..so first day in studio is kind of just bringing the gear and adjusting things...to get what you want...

mr V
Hi, Vintersorg
I'm new man here, I was really surprised when I've heard your music, it's great - sound, musical ideas
And it's very interesting to read about studio work
what guitar gear are you using now in studio?
Sorry for my bad english
Vintersorg said:
I'm kind of a morning-guy...if you sleep until noon, half of the day is really gone..and time is my greatest enemy you know.

But if you go to bed before midnight, you miss the crucial (and most productive for me) 9pm - 3am time slot.

The 6am-noon slot is just filler until my brain catches up with my body.


Now Playing: Vintersorg -- Till Fjälls -- Till Fjälls
/* random quote */
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
-Charlie McCarthy
jättekul, lycka till! killer dudes all of you who are involved in this

hope you´ve got some swedish songs in the album after this one though!:Spin:
Hey man I love that album title "The Focusing Blur" it sounds fuckin awsome, and the song titles sound awsome too. I hope to hear some killer solos on it because ive never heard a Vintersorg solo I dont like, there slick and they flow like waterfalls.
I too am very anxious to hear that! And Mr V, well, you're just too great...wonderfull artist and even more wonderfull to care coming here and sharing with us! I know this must have been said so often, but hei, many musician depreciate their music to my eyes just by being assholes, and you make yours even more wonderfull!