New Album

I wouldn't mind some non-Swedish songs. V's best stuff is his English stuff.:*

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
We've started to record some stuff for the new album.It sounds far:) It'll be folky but still some new elements are in there. Very flowing songs!!! We're very excited!!! Just wait and see...

mr V

First: I'm excited. :kickass:

Secondly: Does this mean you're actually in the studio? Or are you just doing the demoing process at home right now? What do you use for drum programming in your demo process?
Yes....that's what art is all about from my perspective, not planing that much, just feeling! Did some recording tonight as well.

mr V

do you usually sit down and grab your guitar with the idea of writing something like "let's see if something good comes out" or do you have some sudden attacks of creativity while you're doing something else ( i don't know, like studying, playing with children, washing dishes or whatever :lol:) and you have to stop your activity to run toward your guitar and to play what have taken shape in your mind???? i'm a bit curious :)
Please tell me you'll have benny playing on it. I love his drumming. Or at least a live drummer. I'm not the biggest fan of programmed drums, even though solens rotter was awesome.
Shouldn't Mickelson have some more time now since he left the Borks? Would be great to hear him on another Vintersorg album.

Mickelson would be amazing, as a day without Asgeir is a day without sunshine.

However, he has 7473063 other musical projects he's working on, not to mention his beloved poker.

But yes. Mickelson would be amazing.