Best Vintersorg Album

In my opinion it's Odemarkens Son, it's with this album that I Discovered Mr.V!I Really Love the atmosphere and the Phatos In this album.
But also Till Fjalls It's wonderful, Like yhe others Mr.V ones:)
My Vintersorg favorites have always changed. Nowadays my favorite is probably The Focusing Blur. Tho I do listen to a lot of Visions From The Spiral Generator and Cosmic Genesis. But Till Fjälls and Odemarkens Son have have taken a back seat to his 'new' stuff (at least for now):D All depends on the mood I'm in I guess....
My favourite Vintersorg album is Till Fjälls, why???? :

1)My favourite songs are included in this album (Till Fjälls, Vildmarkens Förtrollande Stämmor, Fangad Utav Nordens Själ, For Kung Och Fosterland, etc)

2)Till Fjälls is full of beautiful and pagan lyrics (the pagan theme was losing through the time)

3)The Vocal work is simply Awesome!!!!!, he sings with a incredible force and feeling (the "new" style is so brutal, but I prefer the Viking way, like Otyg)
My favourite albums are Visions From The Spiral Generator and Cosmic Genesis followed by Ödemarkens Son and The Focusing Blur. For some reason I never really got into Till Fjälls.
definitely till fjalls..... followed by hedniskhjartad and odemarken son (sorry but i don't have the two dots over the vocals on my keyboad!!)
favourite Vintersorg album... lemme think.

it's a tough choice cuz there's things i love about each one. I absolutely love Focusing Blur, but Till Fjalls is a classic. Also Cosmic Genesis is such an epic album... Odemarkens Son has the first Vintersorg song i've ever heard on it (Svaltvinter). Thinking about it Visions From the Spiral Generator, however good, didn't quite do it for me like the others did. Am I missing one? Oh yeah. well, Hedniskhjärtad felt a lot like Till Fjalls to me, so i pretty much group the two albums together.

final verdict? Focusing Blur takes the cake, but Till Fjalls is definately a very close second.

Now, if we include albums that Mr. V did apart from "vintersorg," another tough choice. I love Fission, but recently i've been listening a lot to Waterclime, so of all the non-"vintersorg" albums (lemme think now.. OTYG, Fission, Havayoth-which i haven't heard yet, Cronian, Borknagar... umm... Waterclime... is that it?) I guess i like waterclime the best, OTYG comes in second (both albums) and fission coming in third.

so long, and good luck

Cosmic Genesis and Visions.. There must be something wrong with me because I like the new sound a *lot* more, but I just do.

Nothing wrong with you there man. Many people have the first record they heard with a certain band as nr. 1 and then picking up earlier works later on. My favourite records with some of my favourite bands are the ones that I heard first; The Angel And The Dark River, Theli, Wolfheart, Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty, Velvet Darkness They Fear, Eternity, Deathrace King, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, La Masquerade Infernale & Passage are good examples on this, regarding my favourites. Hmm, wonder if anyone can name all those bands? ;)

And I also wanted to point out that though I chose Till Fjälls as nr. 1 :notworthy(with Ödemarkens Son & Hedniskhjärtad close after) it doesen't mean that I don't enjoy the later records. In fact, it's just the opposite.
Nowadays my favorite is Cosmic Genesis:D Like I said before, it changes all the time with me...all depends on what album i've got in my cd player:D I carry till fjälls with me for a few days and that's my favorite, then I carry the focusing blur with me for a few days and that one's my favorite, or visions, or ödermarkens son or,'s crazy!:D But yeah, Cosmic Genesis nowadays all the way! It's flawless:/
Nothing wrong with you there man. Many people have the first record they heard with a certain band as nr. 1 and then picking up earlier works later on. My favourite records with some of my favourite bands are the ones that I heard first.

i totally agree!!!! the album that makes me discover a new band is nearly always my favourite one, even if sometimes is not the better one!!!!
i voted for till fjalls as my best vintersorg album , but cosmic genesis, the first one i heard, has an important and emotional place in my heart!!!!