3 Inches of Blood

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
anyone seen this band? I find their stuff quite fun, good beer swigging heavy metal with a modern edge.

I tried to get into their appearance supporting Trivium in Colchester last weekend (I wanted to see 3 inches of blood more) but it was sold out, we only found out about it a few days before.

Anyway, anyone seen them live? They seem to be quite a cool new band to surface amongst all the metalcore and american neo-thrash of late...
I saw them live with Satyricon...rather interesting (comically)...half of the band look like hillbillies...the drummer has the most odd setup...and their sound system failed halfway through the set (unbeknownst to the drummer for about 20 seconds because he kept playing).
3 Inches of Blood is awesome. Sure, not the best band in the world, but they put on a good live show and make fun music. I think I've seen them 6 times (they're always playing in Tacoma/Seattle) and my band opened for them once also.
I'd say they're modern metalcore that tries too hard to be Rvnning Wild. That's basically it. And their drummer is fucking pitiful.
I kind of like them. I really have to be in the mood though.
Jean-Pierre said:
"modern" metalcore. As in what's excepted as such nowadays.

The metalcore of the pre modern era (pre 1950s) was nowhere near the upper echelons that today's metalcore resides in.

High On Maiden said:
anyone seen this band? I find their stuff quite fun, good beer swigging heavy metal with a modern edge.

I tried to get into their appearance supporting Trivium in Colchester last weekend (I wanted to see 3 inches of blood more) but it was sold out, we only found out about it a few days before.

Anyway, anyone seen them live? They seem to be quite a cool new band to surface amongst all the metalcore and american neo-thrash of late...

A few of my friends went to that gig (there big trivium fans), I don't think they really "got" three inches of blood though. Personnally I think there good for a quick giggle, nothing more.