3 Inches of Blood

well, recently the big trend has been straight edge/hardcore, like these kids from my area:


or the emo-fag kids such as this guy (and when i say fag, i mean it...they turn bisexual because, well it's trendy):


and then...well...there's this:


anonymousnick2001 said:
Scene kids? Can someone please fill me in on what that is exactly?

I asked this emo friend of mine whether he was "scene", and he said that it was scene to say you're not scene so he couldn't really answer. :/

Somehow, that partially answered my question, GoD.

FP, your pictures would have been entertaining had they not been red X's... :(
I'd personally dont see anything wrong with this band. I think its pretty cool that some kids want to play this kind of music and while im listening to Advance And Vanquish I really think
that it's a tribute to some of the metal in 70's and 80's and There has been a lot of positive responses in my town from all ppl folks in my age bracket or older! I liked the cd
but that's just an opinion.