a full length should be no more than 35 min for the type of music i release. a full length is about QUALITY not quantity and more songs (i think few labels today realize this), especially for grindcore. no grindcore album should be over 30min. you won't see a grindcore/deathgrind, etc album on willowtip that is over 35min i can pretty much guarantee that... i want every track on the album to kill and for the album to be as best as it possibly can be with no filler. for arsis, they actually had 2 more tracks which made the album around 50min i think, a full length should be the very best tracks.
VP is nothing like goatsblood or watchmaker (hell, there is no band that sounds like watchmaker)...they are a grindcore band more akin to pig destroyer or even benumb whom they share members with.
thanks for the reviews and support.